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《灵界经历》 第2087节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2087

2087. About the aura of spirits round about man

To my spiritual mental view it was clearly portrayed that a kind of field of spirits exists round about man, the person being one among those in that field. But it also appeared to me as if the person were a kind of solid point, surrounded by that field. For while man is in the body, its earthly elements are portrayed by that solid point, just as terraqueous globes are surrounded by their own atmospheric auras. But when the bodily elements have been laid aside, he or she becomes as one of the spirits, and like the spirits, remains in that field.

Such a greater or lesser spiritual field of forces, or efforts, which amounts to the same thing, acting through spirits, flows round about [a person on earth]. This was also clearly shown to the spirits around me, who acknowledged and were aware that this arrangement exists. And they said that they discerned it clearly.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2087


It was manifestly represented according to a spiritual idea, not only that there is, as it were, a sphere of spirits round about man, and that man is one of those who are in the sphere, but it appeared to me as if man was, as it were, a certain solid point, around whom was that sphere; for while man is in the body, then are his terrestrial parts represented by such a solid point, like as terraqueous globes are surrounded by their atmospheric spheres; but when his corporeal parts are laid aside, he becomes as one of the spirits, and is in that sphere like as a spirit. That such a sphere of spirits is diffused about, of greater or lesser extent; a sphere of powers acting through spirits, or one of efforts [conatus], was also manifestly shown to the spirits around me, who acknowledged and perceived such an arrangement, and said that they plainly perceive it.

Experientiae Spirituales 2087 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2087. De sphaera spirituum circumcirca hominem

Ad ideam spiritualem repraeseetatum est manifeste, non solum quod sit quasi sphaera spirituum circumcirca hominem, et quod homo sit unus eorum, qui in sphaera, sed mihi apparuit, sicut homo esset, aliquod punctum quasi solidum, circum quem sphaera ista, nam dum homo in corpore est, tunc terrena ejus etiam repraesentantur per tale solidum punctum, sicut globi terraquei 1

circumfunduntur suis sphaeris atmosphaericis, at vero corporeis depositis fit sicut unus spirituum, et in sphaera ista similiter ac spiritus est: quod talis spirituum sphaera circumfluat, major minorve, virium agentium per spiritus, seu conatuum, quod eodem est, manifeste etiam ostensum erat spiritibus circum me, qui agnoverunt talem dispositionem, et perceperunt; et dicebant se manifeste eam percipere.


1. The Manuscript has terreaquei

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