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《灵界经历》 第2089节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2089

2089. But then it was portrayed how, in the world's atmospheric field, it happens that whatever does not harmonize is dispelled, how that field powerfully reduces everything into equilibrium. This is quite evident from atmospheric and aquatic turbulences, which are gradually brought to serenity.

In order to show that this is caused by spiritual fields, as are each and all earthly and worldly phenomena, all those spirits who were not harmonizing, but were contradicting the truth out of an inborn licentiousness, were pushed out, thrown out, so that the aura was cleared and purged of them. They complained, saying they were being driven off, but were told that this is how things are, and those who do not harmonize in societies are expelled, in countless different ways, depending on the conditions in the fields. 1748, 26 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2089

2089. But it was then represented that in the sphere surrounding the world, that is, in the atmospheric sphere, it so happens that such things as do not harmonize are dispelled, and thus the sphere by its own power reduces everything to equilibrium: which is sufficiently evident from turbulent atmospheres and waters, that they are by degrees brought to serenity, and that this derives its cause from the spiritual spheres, as do each and all natural and mundane things. That this might be shown, all those spirits who did not harmonize, and contradicted the truth from innate license, were expelled or ejected, so that that sphere was, by their removal, made serene or purged, which they complained of, saying that they were expelled. It was said to them how matters were circumstanced, and that those who were not accordant in societies were expelled, and this with indefinite variety, according to the state that exists in the spheres. - 1748, May 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 2089 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2089. Sed tunc repraesentabatur, quod in sphaera mundi seu atmosphaerica ita fiat, quod quae non congruunt, ea dispellantur, et sic sphaera suis viribus redigat omnia ad aequilibrium, quod satis constat ex turbulentis atmosphaeris et aquis, quod sensim serenentur; et quod hoc trahat suam causam a sphaeris spiritualibus, sicut omnia et singula naturalia et mundana, quod ut ostenderetur, omnes iiti spiritus qui non congruebant, et veritati ex licentia innata contradicebant, ii expulsi sunt, seu ejecti, sic ut sphaera ista ab iis serenata sit, seu purgata, quod ii conquesti, dicentes quod abigantur, quibus dictum, quod ita se habeat, et quod ii qui non concordant in societatibus, expellantur, et hoc cum varietate indefinita, secundum statum in sphaeris. 1748, 26 Maj.

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