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《灵界经历》 第2098节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2098

2098. The Lord saves mankind out of sheer mercy

It is clear from many considerations that the Lord saves mankind out of mercy alone, and that He does not demand any praise or thanks in return for His Divine benefits. It is clear from the state of souls, spirits and angels, who are not allowed to think, say, or do anything except by the permission and grace given by the Lord. Of their own power they can do nothing, and whatever is from them or pertains to their nature is evil, from which no praise, nor thanksgiving, can come. If a spirit has a mind to give thanks, he is entirely unable, except with clear permission and grace; thus praise and thanks are the Lord's.

But these matters were clearer to me by the spiritual idea that the Lord does not demand anything at all from souls, spirits and angels in return for His Divine benefits. 1748, 27 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2098


It is plain from many things that the Lord saves man from mercy solely; and that He does not demand any praise and rendering of thanks for His Divine benefits is evident from the state of souls, spirits, and angels, to whom is granted to think, say, and do nothing unless the Lord permits or gives leave - of themselves they can do nothing, and because those things which proceed from themselves, or from what belongs to their nature, are evil; for which no praise or thanksgiving should be made. If a spirit purposes to give thanks, he can by no means do so unless from manifest permission and leave; thus are those things of the Lord. But this was made more manifest to me in spiritual idea, that the Lord never demands aught for His Divine benefits from souls, spirits, and angels. - 1748, May 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 2098 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2098. Quod Dominus ex sola misericordia salvet hominem

Constare potest a multis, quod Dominus ex sola misericordia salvet hominem, et quod non poscat aliquam laudem, et gratiarum actionem, pro Divinis Ipsius beneficiis, constare potest a statu animarum, spirituum et angelorum, quibus nihil cogitare, dicere, agere datur, nisi permittente aut veniam dante Domino; ex se nihil possunt, et quod ex iis, seu quae eorum naturae sunt, ea sunt mala, ex quibus nulla laus, aut gratiarum actio; si spiritus sibi proponit gratias agere, nequicquam potest, nisi ex permissione manifesta et venia, ita sunt ea Domini. Sed 1

haec idea spirituali manifestiora mihi fuerunt, quod Dominus pro Divinis Ipsius beneficiis nihil usquam ab animabus, spiritibus et angelis, poscat. 1748, 27 Maj.


1. The Manuscript has Domini, quare Dominus per sed

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