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《灵界经历》 第2099节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2099

2099. Earthling and spirit must necessarily think and speak whatever the Lord permits, and grants

From a great deal of daily experience now for 3 years I have been enabled to learn that both earthling and spirit is forced to think and speak that which the Lord either permits or grants. For whether I wanted to or not, I had to think and speak as I did. Likewise in the case of spirits, they are forced to speak contrary to what they think, and they cannot possibly stop themselves, being taken into a society together with others and thus carried off as if by a river of thinking and speaking.

Spirits complained about this, that is, those who had considered that they think and speak everything on their own, and it was proven to them by actual experience, as it was to me, that this is not the case.

Moreover, when this fact is not revealed, or when one is not given to reflect on the matter, everyone, earthling as well as soul and spirit, suppose they speak on their own, so they are taught through this experience to realize that they are nothing, because they can neither think nor speak from themselves, although they think they do.

Evil spirits, even though they are taught by such experience of their own and that of others, as well as by being permitted to force other spirits into speaking together with them, still do not want to believe that it is so, for this goes against their self-love because they want to be able to do all things down to the very least on their own power. 1748, 27 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2099


From manifold and daily experience now for three years it is given me to know that man and spirit is compelled to think and speak that which the Lord permits or allows; for whether I willed or not, I must needs think and speak. It is similar with spirits who are compelled to speak contrary to what they think, nor can they possibly desist, for they are united into a society with others, and thus carried away by a stream, as it were, of thinking and speaking: concerning which thing the spirits complained, to wit, those who supposed that of themselves they think and speak all things, and that this is not the case was shown to them, as also to me, by living experience. Moreover, when it is not made manifest, or when it is not given to reflect upon it, everyone thinks, man, soul, and spirit, that they speak of themselves; wherefore they are taught by such experience that they may know that they are nothing, because they cannot think nor speak of themselves, although they think so. Evil spirits, notwithstanding they are instructed by such experience, their own and others, as also that it is permitted them to compel other spirits to speak with themselves, still are not willing to believe that it is so, because it is repugnant to their self-love; for they desire to be competent to perform, and effect each and everything from themselves. - 1748, May 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 2099 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2099. Quod homo et spiritus necessario cogitare et loqui debeat, quae Dominus permittit, et concedit

Ex plurima et quotidiana experientia nunc per 3 annos, nosse mihi datum est, quod homo et spiritus, cogatur cogitare et loqui id quod Dominus permittit, aut concedit, sive enim volui, sive non, debui cogitare et loqui, similiter spiritus, qui contra quod cogitant, loqui coguntur, nec possibile est, ut desistant, nam in societatem adsciscuntur cum aliis, et sic abripiuntur quasi flumine cogitandi et loquendi; de qua re conquesti sunt spiritus, ii nempe, qui putarunt ex se omnia cogitare et loqui, et quod non ita sit, iis, sicut mihi, per vivam experientiam, ostensum est. Praeterea dum non manifeste id fit, seu cum non datur reflectere super id, putat unusquisque, tam homo, [quam] 1

anima, [et] spiritus, quod ex semet loquantur, quare per experientiam talem docentur, ut sciant quod ii nihil sint, quia non a semet cogitare, nec loqui possint, tametsi id putant; spiritus mali, tametsi per talem experientiam, suam et aliorum [docentur], tum [per id] quod iis permittatur alios spiritus, ad secum loquendum adigere, usque tamen non volunt credere, quod ita sit, nam id repugnat eorum amori sui; quia volunt omnia et singula ex se posse et agere. 1748, 27 Maj.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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