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《灵界经历》 第2102节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2102

2102. About Peace

I was in a kind of peace, thus far from the passions that spirits would instil, and observing this, they were surprised. They asked how I could then have any life, with no desires, thinking that there is no life but one of passions because such life is from them. They know no other life than the life they think is their own, thus one of desires.

It was given me to reply that then I have much greater life. For then they are in the life of the Lord, Who is Peace Itself, and heavenly life, the life of heavenly feelings, which they do not know about. Then again they thought that that life was outside of someone, not within them, but they were prompted to consider that they regard the life of desires, which they think is their own, as being within them, so that sins are even ascribed to it - and yet these would not be their own and would therefore not be accounted to them, if they had faith in the Lord.

As for the life of the Lord, that becomes even more one's own, because it is inwardly and more inwardly, and inmostly appropriated, so [the angels] have also a much keener perception of joys. 1748, 28 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2102


I was in a sort of peace, therefore was removed from the cupidities which spirits would insinuate, which they observing wondered at, and said how could I thus possibly possess life, because there were with me no cupidities. They supposed that no life is granted but one of cupidities, because such [a life] proceeds from them, for they know of no other life than that which they suppose to be theirs, therefore one of cupidities; but it was granted to reply to them that then I may enjoy a much superior life, for I am [sunt for sum I think] in the life of the Lord, who is Peace Itself, therefore a heavenly life or one of celestial affections of which they are ignorant. Moreover, they supposed that such a life must be without, not within one; but the thought was given that they suppose the life of cupidities which they think their own to be within them, wherefore also sins are imputed to such a one [ei], although these are not their own, consequently there could be no imputation if they were in faith toward the Lord as respects the life of the Lord, that is still more appropriated by man, because more interiorly and inwardly and in the inmost place, wherefore do they also possess the perception of much more exquisite joys. - 1748, May 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 2102 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2102. De Pace

In specie pacis eram, ita remotus a cupiditatibus, quas insinuarent spiritus, quod ii observantes mirati sunt, et dicebant, quomodo sic vitam habere potuissem, quia nullae cupiditates? putantes nullam vitam dari, quam cupiditatum, quia ex iis, vitam enim aliam nesciunt, quam eam quam putant esse eorum, proinde cupiditatum; sed respondere iis dabatur, quod tunc multo majorem vitam habeam, sunt enim vita Domini, Qui est Ipse Pax, ita vita coelestis, seu affectionum coelestium, quas ignorant: putabant iterum ii, quod talis vita esset extra aliquem, non intra, sed cogitare dabatur, quod ii putent vitam cupiditatum quam putant suam esse intra eos, quare etiam imputantur ei [vitae] peccata, cum tamen non eorum foret, proinde non imputatio, si in fide in Dominum; quod vitam Domini attinet, illa adpropriatur 1

homini adhuc magis, quia interius ac intimius, ac intime, quare quoque perceptionem gaudiorum exquisitiorem multo habent. 1748, 28 Maj.


1. The Manuscript has adpropriatur

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