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《灵界经历》 第2111节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2111

2111. 1Meanwhile, I had written some things about the neighbor, and that one should not hate the neighbor. They were then in an almost heavenly state, and declared that to them this was now abominable and horrible, since it destroys all the happiness they had felt. So they hated themselves when they harbored hatred.

There is still deep silence, which is strange. It has now lasted more than an hour. Thus they are as if put to sleep, so as to feel nothing, being brought back in this condition. Not even the least sound is heard from them, although they are present.


1. Paragraph 2110 does not appear in the original.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2111

2111. 1Meanwhile I wrote concerning the neighbor, as that when they did not hold the neighbor in hatred, then were they in a state almost celestial, and they confessed that to them that was now an abominable and horrid thing, since it destroys all their felicity, and that the perceived that they should hold their own selves in hatred whilst they were therein [in iis]. There is still a deep silence, which is a rare thing; it has now lasted more than an hour. Such is their lethargy, as it were, that they feel [perceive] nothing, to such a state are they brought. Indeed, not the least thing is heard by them, although they are present.


1. Number 2110 is missing in the original.

Experientiae Spirituales 2111 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2111. 1

Interea de proximo scripta a me sunt, ubi quod non odio haberent proximum, tunc erant in statu fere coelesti, et fassi, quod id iis nunc abominabile sit, et horrendum, cum id destruat omnem felicitatem, quod perceperunt, sic odio haberent semet, dum in iis {a} essent; adhuc altum silentium, quod rarum, quod nunc 2

circiter plus horario spatio; ita sunt quasi in sopore, ut nihil sentiant, ita reducuntur; ne minimum quidem ab iis auditur, tametsi praesentes sunt.


1. 2110 deest

2. The Manuscript has nun

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