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《灵界经历》 第2120节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2120

2120. Spirits in the other life look different than they had appeared in bodily life

In the other life, they are left to be themselves, and are not permitted to show anything else in their face than what they have in their mind. For there, superficial agreement is not tolerated. If there is even the least disparity between words and thoughts, the difference is plainly recognized, as well as any pretense.

Therefore, since in the other life they are obliged to behave in their own character, I have been enabled to learn that those who in bodily life had put on flattering facial expressions so that hardly anything domineering or sullen appeared, had nevertheless been so sullen that they could not live without scolding, and nothing at all suited their wishes.

They were allowed to scold me, many thinking they would be able to dominate me, and thereby I discovered that they enjoyed constantly making wise remarks. Even some who had been people of standing, openly spit out witty remarks, hardly any differently than those who in bodily life had been of the lower, even lowest, class of people, who have no shame. Thus many, perhaps very many, who had been people of standing, differ very little from them, which shows what they carry within them. When freed of restraint or fear on account of the laws, and their own loves (interessen 1), this is what they are like. 1748, 29 May.


1. The original has amores suos (interessen), the latter word being Swedish for "interests."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2120


In another life, inasmuch as they are left to themselves, and not permitted, as in the life of the body, to show ought in the countenance at variance with what they have in the mind, for there assent with the externals is not allowed; since immediately anything of simulation is plainly distinguished, should there be the slightest disagreement of words and thoughts; therefore when in the other life they are obliged to act according to their disposition, it is then given to know from experience that they who in the life of the body maintained an affable countenance, so that scarcely ought that was imperious and morose appeared, were yet so morose that they could not live without chiding, and nothing suited their wishes. They were allowed to chide me, supposing that they could rule over me, as many thought - by which means I experienced that they were continually delighted with scolding [dicteriis]; and even those who had been men of consideration threw out scolding without concealment, hardly differing from such as in the life of the body were of the lower and lowest class of people [plebs] who have no shame. So that many, and perhaps a very great number of these who had been men of condition, differ but little from them. Therefore whatever they bear inwardly is made manifest; for when they are loosed from bonds, or fear on account of laws or their own loves, they are such (:interessen ). - 1748, May 29.

Experientiae Spirituales 2120 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2120. Quod spiritus dissimiles sibi {a} sint in altera vita 1

, quam apparuerunt in vita corporis

In altera vita, quia sibi relinquuntur, nec licet iis, sicut in vita corporis, aliud vultu ostendere, quam animo gerunt-nam 2

ibi assentatio per externa, non toleratur, nam illico, si vel minimus discessus verborum et cogitationum, manifeste internoscitur, imo quicquid in simulatione-ideo 3

cum in altera vita agere tenentur secundum indolem suam, inde ab experientia datum est scire, quod ii, qui in vita corporis vultu adblanditi sint, sic ut vix apparuerit aliquid imperiosi et morosi, usque ita morosi fuerint, ut vivere non potuerint, quin increparent, nec quicquam iis esset ex voluntate, licebat iis me increpare, putantes quod mihi imperare potuissent, sicut plerique putarunt, quare expertus, quod delectati sint continue dicteriis, et quidem ii qui conditionis homines fuerunt, vix aliter ac ii, qui in vita corporis, ex inferiori plebe, etiam ab infima, quibus non pudor, projiciunt aperte dicteria, sic ut non multum ab iis differant multi, et forte permulti, qui conditionis viri fuerunt, ita quid intus gerunt, patet; nam vinculo seu timore propter leges, et amores suos (interessen {b}) exuti, tales sunt. 1748, 29 Maj.


1. The Manuscript has vitam

2. The Manuscript has gerunt, nam

3. The Manuscript has simulatione, quapropter (sic!)

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