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《灵界经历》 第2121节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2121

2121. About the east wind

It has happened that certain spirits who were near me, in order to stay for a time, had joined themselves together into vicious groups that could hardly be controlled any more in an orderly fashion. This was also proven when one group, ganging up in this way, began to harass someone, and to push him around in a really insolent manner, constantly trying to bring harm upon him.

These actions, and their hostile schemes as well, which heavenly spirits and angels were able to observe, showed that their societies had been organized by them to bring destruction upon many, which is the usual case when they are left more or less to themselves.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2121


It happened that spirits who were around me, on account of some delay, associated themselves into hurtful societies, which could scarcely be ruled any longer according to order. This was also shown, when a certain society thus heterogeneously made up [confarcta] began to worry a certain one, and cast him hither and thither, and this wantonly, continually striving to work him harm, from which, as well as other of their plottings, which spirits and celestial angels could observe, it was manifest that the societies of such were conjoined together by them in order to work hurt to many; as is their custom when left at all to themselves.

Experientiae Spirituales 2121 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2121. De vento orientali

Contigit, quod spiritus, qui circum me, propter aliquam moram, conjunxerint se in societates perniciosas, quae amplius vix secundum ordinem potuerunt regi, quod etiam ostensum erat, cum societas quaedam ita confarcta quendam lacessere inceperunt, et huc illuc jactare, et 1

quidem insolenter, ei damnum continue inferre conantes, ex quibus, ut et aliis eorum machinationibus, quas observare potuerunt spiritus et angeli coelestes, constabat, quod societates eorum ab iis conjunctae fuerint, ad perniciem inferendam pluribus, sicut solet, dum sibi aliquantum relinquuntur.


1. The Manuscript has jactare; et

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