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《灵界经历》 第2158节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2158

2158. So that is the interaction that is given by the Lord, which is an ability given by the Lord so that they may interact in such a way that the angels are almost unaware that they have an earthly part. For when this correspondence exists, then the earthly part is as if it were nothing or were absent, as if it were something transparent. Then the more inward things lie open. This is a gift of the Lord Alone.

This has also been shown clearly on several occasions by the experience that even recently arrived souls who are still living in their bodily fantasies, indeed, spirits who are not good, can also be taken up into heaven, but only when in certain states in which harmony can be given by the Lord. In short, it is the agreement which causes them to seem to themselves to be angels, and not earthly spirits, when yet they are earthly; but in certain states it is as if the earthly element disappears.

Nevertheless, man, spirit and angel are all of such a nature and so defiled, that never to all eternity could a full agreement occur, but he or she is always being perfected by the Lord. For this reason also when they are at variance, then from being in heaven they are turned into spirits, and then they undergo chastisement even until agreement is given by the Lord.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2158

2158. to the end that they may so correspond as to be almost ignorant that they possess a natural principle; for if correspondence is given them, the natural principle is as it were nothing, and is as it were absent, as if it were something transparent, so that the more interior things are displayed. This is the gift of the Lord alone, which is manifest from experience sometimes shown, that even souls recently from the body, or who are yet in their phantasies or corporeal things, yea, spirits not good can also be brought into heaven by the Lord, but only while they are in certain states, in which agreement can be given. In a word, correspondence is what causes, that angels seem to themselves not to be natural spirits, when yet they are natural; but the natural principle, as it were, disappears in certain states, through correspondence. But still such is man, such is spirit, and such the angel, so depraved that never to eternity can correspondence occur, did not the Lord continually bring it about. Wherefore also when they disagree, then are they driven from heaven to the spirits, and there undergo [castigations] chastisements, till correspondence is granted by the Lord. - 1748, May 31.

Experientiae Spirituales 2158 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2158. [vide 2157]

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