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《灵界经历》 第217节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 217

217. Evil spirits are ever trying to act against order, even though they are aware that they are not in the least able to

Early in the morning there was a kind of spiritual conflict, namely of spirits who wanted very badly to attack me, and indeed, with all their strength, but it was as if I had been removed. Although I was aware of their attempts in an extraordinary way, I did not hear their speech, but it was as though a field were withholding me from their attempts. I was surprised at their stubbornness, and the fact that they could not pause, but only stubbornly keep on striving, though in vain; and I was also surprised that they could not accomplish anything whatever, or have influence upon me.

It was a state such as I cannot at all describe; but it seemed to me that if they had then succeeded, they would have completely overpowered me. I likewise noticed at the time that it was an inward collective realm or field into which I had been raised - I do not know whether those spirits were in the same one. I also observed at the time that there was not the least thing that did not come through the guidance of God the Messiah and His compassion toward me; also, that a spirit could not do even the most minute thing except by permission. 1747, the 22nd day of October (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 217


Early in the morning there was a certain spiritual conflict between spirits who wanted above everything to infest me, and this with all their might; but I was as if remote. Although I perceived their efforts in a wonderful manner, I did not hear their speech; but there was, as it were, a sphere which withdrew me from their efforts. I wondered at the time that they could not lay aside their obstinacy, but they still continued to act obstinately although in vain; and likewise I wondered that they could effect nothing, and yet could inflow into me. It was a state such as I can in no wise describe; but it seemed to me that if they had then succeeded, they would have utterly crushed me. I then likewise observed that it was an interior general sphere into which I had been raised; whether those spirits had been in that same sphere, I cannot know. I also observed that there was not the least thing which did not come from the direction of God Messiah and from His mercy towards me; also that a spirit cannot do even the very least thing except from permission; 1747, Oct. 22, o.s., as I suppose.

Experientiae Spirituales 217 (original Latin 1748-1764)

217. Quod mali spiritus jugi 1

conantur agere contra ordinem, tametsi percipiunt, quod nihil usquam possint

Matutino tempore erat quidam conflictus spiritualis, nempe spirituum, qui me infestare summopere volebant, et quidem omni sua vi, sed eram tanquam remotus; quamvis mirabili modo percipiebam conatus eorum, non audiebam loquelam; sed erat tanquam sphaera quae me abducebat a conatibus eorum, mirabar tunc obstinationem eorum, quod non intermittere possent, sed usque obstinate agere, sed incassum, et similiter, quod nihil prorsus efficere, et in memet influere possent, status erat, qualem describere nequicquam possum, sed si tunc obtinuissent, videbatur mihi, quod me prorsus oppressissent; similiter tunc observabam, quod sphaera communis esset interior, in quam sublatus eram, num in eadem spiritus isti fuissent, non scire possum; tunc etiam observabam, quod ne minimum daretur, quod non ex directione Dei Messiae, et ex misericordia erga me, veniret; tum quod ne minutissimum quidem agere posset spiritus, nisi ex permissione. 1747, die 22 Oct. st. v. ut reor.


1. = juge

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