216. My understanding, especially of more inward matters, was taken away
To this also I can solemnly testify, that my understanding of especially more inward things has so frequently and conspicuously been taken from me, altered, and thus changed, that I cannot keep count of the times. Experiences so numerous are reason enough to conclude that one cannot understand anything, especially when it comes to more inward matters of religion, except what God the Messiah permits, grants, and mercifully gives one to understand.
At times it has come to such a dispute and scolding of those spirits who were openly removing my understanding of more inward things, changing it into a different one, that I am not allowed to describe it. Written 1747, 22 October (old calendar).
This also I can solemnly testify: that the understanding of things, especially of more interior things, has been taken away from me and turned into something else, and this changed, frequently and so manifestly that I cannot know how often. From so many such experiences it can be amply concluded, that man - especially he who looks to the more interior things of faith - is unable to understand anything else than those things which God Messiah permits, concedes and from mercy, grants. Sometimes, such was the contention and wrangling with spirits, who manifestly took away the understanding of the more interior things and changed it into something else, that I am not allowed to describe it. Written, 1747, Oct. 22, o.s.
216. Quod intellectus rerum cumprimis intimiorum ablatus
Hoc quoque sancte contestari possum, quod intellectus rerum cumprimis intimiorum frequenter tam manifeste mihi ablatus sit, in alium versus, ac ita mutatus, ut vices scire nequeam, ex quibus tot experientiis satis concludi potest, quod homo nihil aliud intelligere queat, cumprimis qua 1
fidei intimiora spectat, quam quae Deus Messias permittit, concedit et ex misericordia donat; talis quandoque fuit contentio et objurgatio cum spiritibus, qui adimebant intellectum intimiorum manifeste, eum mutabant in alium, ut describere non liceat. 1747, 22 Oct. st. v. scriptum.
1. = quantum