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《灵界经历》 第2175节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2175

2175. Of evils the diversities are countless, in fact unlimited in number

Certain spirits, upon hearing that in man and spirit, and angel, is nothing but evil, which is their own, when they were carrying out some wickedness such as deceptions and the like, were saying about me and the others that we were just like they are, being nothing but evil. That was their conclusion.

They received the reply that nothing but evil is in everyone, but with unlimited diversity and variety. For the inclination of one person toward this or that evil is lesser or greater, and there are many blends of evils, as there are of loves and passions, just as the passions are joined to appetites of the body and its enjoyments. In short, the diversities and varieties are unlimited, [more than] can be corrected to all eternity. 1748, 3 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2175


When certain spirits who had heard that in man, spirit, and angel is nothing but evil, that it is their proprium, practiced any cunning arts [malitia], such as sleights and the like, they said of me and others that we were like them, because we were nothing but evil: such was their conclusion. The reply was made them that in everyone is nothing but evil, but with indefinite diversity and variety, for the inclination of each to this or that evil was greater or less, and that many are mixtures of evils, as it were of loves and cupidities, as well as that cupidities are conjoined with the appetites of the body and its pleasures. In a word, they are indefinite, and never to eternity capable of reform. - 1748, June 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 2175 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2175. Quod malorum sint innumerabiles imo indefinitae diversitates

Quidam spiritus cum audiverunt, quod in homine et spiritu, et angelo, nihil nisi malum est, quod eorum proprium, cum aliquam malitiam exercebant, sicut praestigias, ac similia, dicebant de me et aliis, quod similes iis essemus, quia nihil nisi malum, ita concluserunt, quibus responsum est, quod nihil nisi malum sit in unoquovis, sed cum indefinita 1

diversitate et varietate, unius enim inclinatio ad hoc malum aut aliud est minor majorque, et quod plures malorum commixtiones sint, sicut amorum et cupiditatum, tum sicut cupiditates cum appetitibus corporis et ejus voluptatibus conjunctae sunt: verbo indefinitae sunt, et nusquam in aeternum emendabiles. 1748, 3 Junius.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has indefinitate

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