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《灵界经历》 第2174节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2174

2174. The universals of [my] thoughts are carried up and spread about into the world of spirits and into heaven

From experience it has become familiar to me that when the thought is not fixed on any bodily or material subject, then it is spread around to many, and to those spirits and angels who have the same conviction and affection, as when any feeling is thought about in a universal way, apart from any subject, any definite thing, or person. By experience I was given to know, that when the Lord saw it fitting to allow me to remove definite things, and to keep only a general idea of an affection, then I became aware by a spiritual mental image or inner sight that it was moving societies of spirits and angels around me. But when it is determined toward subjects, as said before, then it is as if there were a closing off, and the thought does not thus affect so broadly.

But what universal thinking is may not be grasped by those who are engrossed in particulars. 1748, 2 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2174


It was made known to me by experience that when my thought was not fixed on any corporeal or material subject, then was it diffused amongst many; and these spirits and angels who were of a similar persuasion and affection, as when any affection is thought of in a universal manner, without any subject, finite thing, person. This was given me to know form experience, at such time as the Lord thought worthy, and it was granted to remove finite things, and to possess but the common idea of the affection, when I perceived, by spiritual idea or perception, what it was that affected the societies of spirits and angels around me. But when there was a determination to subjects, as already said, then there was, as it were, a closing up, nor were they affected in so common a manner [communiti]. But what is meant by universal thought, cannot perhaps be apprehended by such as are only in particulars [material things]. - 1748, June 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 2174 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2174. Quod universalia cogitationum auferantur et diffundantur in mundum spirituum, et in coelum

Ab experientia mihi notum factum, cum non cogitatio figatur alicui subjecto corporeo aut materiali, quod tunc diffundatur in plures, et eos spiritus et angelos, qui sunt similis persuasionis et affectionis, sicut dum aliqua affectio in universali modo cogitetur, absque aliquo subjecto, re finita, persona; quod experientia datum mihi scire: cum Domino dignante, dabatur removere res finitas, et solum ideam communem affectionis habere, tunc percipiebam, idea seu perceptione spirituali, quod afficeret societates spirituum et angelorum, circum me; cum vero determinata est 1

ad subjecta, ut dictum, tunc quasi clausum est, nec ita communiter afficit; sed quid cogitatio universalis, forte non capitur ab iis qui solum in particularibus sunt. 1748, 22 Junius.


1. The Manuscript has sunt sed vide indicem ad Cogitare, Cogitatio et ad Universale

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