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《灵界经历》 第2181节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2181

2181. Spiritual mental imagery, enabling one to discern the disposition of those speaking from the sound of the words

When a spirit, especially a newly arrived soul, is speaking, and the Lord allows one to recognize what he is like in general, then it can be heard from the sound of his words, or of his speaking, of what quality he is. One perceives whether the speech is closed, or open, or something else. From the speaking, therefore, it can be known, especially by angels, what he or she is like.

The nature of this mental image that enables recognition cannot possibly be described, because this kind of deep knowledge is not granted to people on earth. But it can be compared with the recognition of dispositions from the facial expression, as when a person has a happy expression, it is usually apparent to the wise what kind of happiness it is, and where it comes from-whether there is pretense behind it, or something cunning, or cheerfulness by nature, or bashfulness, friendliness, or insanity, and such things. But still, this is only a comparison.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2181


When a spirit, especially a soul, speaks, and the Lord grants to know of what quality he is generically, then it can be heard from the sound of the words or speech what is his quality. It is perceived whether [via versus coelum] it is closed or open, and whether other things (do not belong thereto), so that hence may be known the quality, especially by the angels; of what quality is this idea of thought cannot be described, because such knowledge is not given amongst men, but it may be compared with the knowledge of minds [animus] derived from the countenance; as when a man puts on a cheerful countenance, it is usually obvious to the shrewd man of what quality is his gladness, and whence it arises, whether there is therein simulation, treachery, cheerfulness proceeding from nature, modesty, friendliness, insanity, and the like. But still this is but a comparison.

Experientiae Spirituales 2181 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2181. De idea spirituali, in perceptione animi eorum qui loquuntur 1

, ex vocum sono

Quum spiritus, cumprimis anima loquitur, et Dominus dat nosse, qualis in genere est, tunc audiri potest ex sono vocum, seu loquelae qualis est, percipitur num clausa sit vel aperta, num alia, sic ut inde sciri queat, qualis, cumprimis ab angelis; qualis haec cognitionis idea sit, non describi potest, quia talis cognitio non datur apud homines, sed comparari potest, cum cognitione animorum ex vultu, ut dum homo laetificat vultum, apparere solet sagaci, qualis laetitia, et unde, num simulatum insit, num dolosum, num hilare a natura, num verecundum, num amicum, et num insanum, et similia;


1. The Manuscript has loquunt

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