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《灵界经历》 第2182节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2182

2182. A spiritual mental image in regard to the speech of spirits is certainly a recognizing of their disposition, but it involves much more as well. As said before, it sees whether a path is open toward heaven, or whether the mind lies open only to the world, and to what extent, and to what in the world, not only in general, but specifically. For someone, therefore, to whom the Lord grants it, by the mere utterance of a single word, almost the whole character of the spirit is exposed, consequently his quality.

But also the state in which he is must be observed, which is likewise seen by the angels when the Lord so grants. What, then, does the Lord not see! For in every single idea, there is an image of the whole person, of everything one had thought, spoken or done from earliest childhood on. No one would believe this, except one who is in heaven.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2182

2182. The spiritual idea in reference to the speech of spirits is indeed such that the mind [animus] is made known; but yet many more things are involved, to wit, as already said, whether also the way is open [therein] towards heaven, or is only open into the world, and to what extent, moreover what belongs thereto generically and specifically. So that when the Lord grants, nearly the whole mind [animus] is displayed from but one word of speech, hence its quality; but the state in which it is is also to be observed, which also is perceived by the angels when the Lord grants it; also what [therein] does not proceed from the Lord. For in every idea is there a complete image of the man, whatsoever he has thought, spoken, and done from infancy, which no one who is not in heaven would credit.

Experientiae Spirituales 2182 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2182. sed usque hoc est solum comparatio, idea spiritualis circa loquelas spirituum quidem est ut cognoscatur animus, sed adhuc multo plura involvit, nempe ut dictum, num etiam aperta sit via versus coelum, num pateat modo in mundum, et quantum; tum quid non solum in genere, sed etiam quid in specie; sic ut, cui Dominus concedit, paene totus animus pateat, ex sola unius vocis loquela, proinde qualis sit, sed observandus quoque est status, in quo est, qui ab angelis quoque, dum id Dominus concedit, percipitur; quid non a Domino! nam unicuique ideae, tota hominis imago est, quicquid ab infantia cogitavit, loquutus et egit, quod nemo crederet, nisi qui in coelo est.

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