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《灵界经历》 第2186节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2186

2186. About the symbolic mental images of the angels

It is not easy to describe understandably, let alone make clear to a person on earth, what the symbolic mental images of the angels of the inward heaven are like. Nor can a person on earth be aware of them except by the Lord's infinite mercy.

What I have been able to watch on several occasions were displays inexpressible in words, which move one's feelings, being portrayals of the feelings by means of angelic or heavenly shapes. For example, something is portrayed in an angelic manner that presents an image or appearance of a heavenly cloud, a shower, or breeze, or light of day. This is done by an image indescribable in words, and there is a feeling that is in or together with the image. Then, as that display increases, decreases, or varies, so likewise the feeling increases, decreases or varies. The feeling is grasped either perceptively, or by understanding, thus either in the heavenly or in the spiritual manner.

Such are the displays of the angels of the inward heaven, having within them, so to speak, an unlimited variety of feelings of pleasantness, joy and gladness that move the depths of their mind with joy and delight. I have been allowed on several occasions to take in these feelings, so I can be sure what they are like, and how various. 1748, 4 June.

There are even different levels among the varieties, formed by the more vague elements in the symbolic displays, some of which are denser, and some more refined.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2186


It is not easy to describe to the intellect, still less to the apprehension of man, of what quality are the representative ideas of the angels of the interior heaven, nor can it be perceived by man, but out of the Lord's infinite mercy. This fact I have several times observed, that these are representatives inexpressible by words, that they move the affections, and that they are representations of affections by means of angelic or celestial forms; for instance, by an angelic mode is represented something that [resembles] an image or species of celestial cloud, shower [nimbus], day, or light. This is done by an idea inexpressible in words, and the affection which is at that time in it or with it is augmented, lessened, or varied, just as is the representation. The affection is also perceived perceptively or intellectually, that is, in a celestial or in a spiritual mode. Such are the representations of the angels of the interior heaven, in which are present, as it were, affections in indefinite variety, accompanied also with pleasantness [jucunditas], joy, and gladness. These affect the interior of the mind with joy and delight. Such representations were several times granted me to perceive. Wherefore I must needs know that they are such, and in such variety. - 1748, June 4.

Yea, the degrees of variety are also formed by such things in the representatives as are more obscure and the like, which are condensed and rarefied.

Experientiae Spirituales 2186 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2186. De ideis repraesentativis angelicis

Non facile est ad intellectum 1

minus ad captum hominis describere quales sunt ideae repraesentativae angelorum interioris coeli, nec ab homine percipi nisi ex infinita Domini misericordia; quod observare potui aliquoties, sunt repraesentationes inexpressibiles vocibus, quae movent affectiones, et sunt affectionum repraesentationes per formas angelicas vel coelestes, sicut quod angelico modo repraesentetur aliquod quod imaginem seu speciem coelestis nubis, nimbi, vel aurae, vel diei, vel lucis [sistit], quod fit idea verbis inexpressibili, et in ea seu cum ea, affectio, quae tunc est, ita sicut augetur, diminuitur, aut variatur repraesentatio ista, ita quoque 2

augetur, diminuitur, aut variatur affectio, quae percipitur quoque vel perceptive, vel intellectualiter, seu [vel] coelesti modo vel spirituali, tales sunt repraesentationes angelorum interioris coeli, quibus quasi insunt affectiones, cum indefinita varietate, tum quoque jucunditate, gaudio et laetitia, quae interiora mentis afficiunt gaudio et delectatione. Tales mihi aliquoties datae sunt percipere; quare scire possum, quod tales sunt, et cum varietate, 1748, 4 Junius; imo gradus varietatis formantur quoque per ea, quae sunt in repraesentativis obscuriora, et similia, quae densantur et rarefiunt.


1. The Manuscript has intellectectum

2. forte deletum in the Manuscript

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