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《灵界经历》 第2187节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2187

2187. Take, for example, when one is given the opportunity to look into the inward parts of the fig, where many tiny seeds come to view surrounded by a sweet oily substance. As I was allowed to contemplate them, thinking at the same time of the innocent qualities of little children, there then occurred displays among the angels. They said that these caused a pleasantness surpassing what they had normally felt.

But all and each of these effects were inspired by the Lord. The fig seeds and the sweet oil spread round them-the figure was like a kind of container for the pleasant feelings displayed to the mental imagery of angelic inner sight.

All this shows also that angelic displays occur with unlimited variety, extending to the inward and very inward regions. These have been opened by the Lord and lie in view even down to earthly things, which are little containers holding spiritual and heavenly ones. Those earthly things are symbolized by the fig, its seeds and the sweet oil. 1748, 4 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2187

2187. In like manner also, when it was granted to look into the interiors of a fig where many little seeds are viewed, surrounded by a sweet oil, as it were, I was allowed to contemplate these, and at the same time to exercise my thoughts upon the innocences of infants. Then were given representations among the angels, of which they said that they exceeded the pleasantness [jucunditis] which they had perceived from any other source. But all and each of these things were insinuated by the Lord. The fig-seeds, and sweet oil surrounding them, were, as it were, a vessel, in which were the pleasantnesses [jucunditis] represented by the angelic ideas of perception. From these things it must also be apparent that angelic representations are indefinite in variety, and reach to the interior and more interior parts, which are opened by the Lord, and do yet lie open to the naturals, which are little vessels containing spiritual and celestial, which natural things are signified by the fig, its seeds and sweet oil. - 1748, June 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 2187 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2187. Sicut etiam cum daretur inspicere in interiora ficus, ubi seminula multa visuntur circumfusa dulci quasi oleo, ea contemplari mihi dabatur, et simul in infantum innocentias cogitare, tunc dabantur repraesentationes penes angelos, de quibus dicebant, quod excederent jucunditatem quam alioquin perceperant; sed haec omnia et singula a Domino insinuabantur, ficus semina, et dulce oleum circumfusum 1

, erat quasi vas, in quo jucunditates repraesentatae ideis perceptionis angelicis; ex iis etiam constare potest, quod angelicae repraesentationes sint indefinitae varietatis, ac ad interiora et intimiora pervadant, quae aperta sunt a Domino, et patent usque in naturalia quae sunt vascula, in quibus spiritualia, et coelestia, quae naturalia ficus, ejus semina, et dulce oleum, significant. 1748, 4 Junius.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has valde inclarum sed forte circumfusum

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