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《灵界经历》 第2189节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2189

2189. Nevertheless, they are all very much inclined to guessing, on their own power, what I have learned from spirits. When anything happens, everyone who is given the opportunity guesses that the matter is thus or so, and yet they are all wrong, because they are doing so on their own power. So also, if they were to be given the opportunity to remember things of the past, and to anticipate things to come, then the whole aura would be filled with false guesses, resulting in confusion and the destruction of their happiness.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2189

2189. Moreover, they are all much addicted to conjecturing what I have become acquainted with from the spirits, so that when anything occurs, everyone to whom is given the faculty conjectures that it is so and so, that it is hence or thence; and yet all are mistaken, because they conjecture from themselves. Therefore if there were also granted them the faculty of remembering the past, and premeditating what is to come, then would the whole sphere be filled with false conjectures; hence would arise confusion and destruction of felicities.

Experientiae Spirituales 2189 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2189. Praeterea pronissimi sunt omnes divinandi ex se, quod ex spiritibus novi: dum aliquid contingit, quisque, cui datur copia, divinat, quod ita sit, quod inde sit, et tamen omnes falluntur, quia ex semet, ideo quoque si daretur iis copia recordandi praeterita, et praemeditandi ventura, tunc tota sphaera impleretur divinationibus falsis, inde confusio, et destructio felicitatum.

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