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《灵界经历》 第219节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 219

219. I seemed to be given the ability to communicate heavenly pleasure to upright souls in captivity

Since many years ago it has been granted to me to clearly sensate heavenly pleasures in different ways, and so many of them and in such a variety of ways, that I cannot in the least describe those pleasures. They were of a kind that a person on earth could never believe or understand, if I should attempt to describe them.

In any case, today, by the mercy of God the Messiah, heavenly pleasures were given to me, not expressible, which I was then allowed to transfer - as if they were from me, when yet they were not from me - to souls in captivity, who said they were able to feel those pleasures, and from them they also received consolation.

Moreover, they are called birds 1- which is a great comfort to them - because of the way they rise up from captivity into a kind of freedom, both of speaking and of understanding, of perceiving, speaking and seeing; nor can I describe their pleasure, even though I am being allowed to perceive it tangibly. 1747, the 24th day of October (old calendar).


1. J.F.I. Tafel read "sheep" (oves) for "birds" (aves).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 219


For many years past it has been given me manifestly to feel heavenly delights in various ways, so many and of such kinds that I can in no wise describe them; for they have been such that if I should endeavor to describe them man could not at all believe and understand them. Meanwhile, today, by the mercy of God Messiah, inexpressible heavenly delights have been given me, and it was also granted me to transfer them to the souls in captivity, as if from myself, when yet it was not from me. They said they could themselves feel these delights, and they also received consolation from them. Moreover, they are called "sheep", which also is very comforting to them. In what way they ascend from captivity into a kind of liberty, not only of speaking but also of understanding, perceiving, speaking and seeing, cannot be described, although it is rendered perceptible to me by manifest sense. 1747, Oct. 24, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 219 (original Latin 1748-1764)

219. Quod jucunditatem coelestem quasi datum sit mihi communicare cum animabus probis in captivitate

A pluribus annis retro sentire mihi manifeste datum est jucunditates coelestes variis modis, et tot ac talibus, ut eas describere nequicquam possim; quae tales fuerunt, ut homo nequicquam eas 1

credere ac intelligere posset, si describere eas conarer; interim hodie ex misericordia Dei Messiae mihi datae sunt jucunditates 2

coelestes, non expressibiles, quas etiam concedebatur mihi, tanquam ex me, cum tamen ex me non erat, transferre ad animas in captivitate, quae jucunditates eas dicebant se sentire posse, et inde quoque consolationem accipiebant; vocantur etiam aves 3

, quod iis quoque multo solatio est, quomodo ascendant a captivitate in speciem libertatis, tam loquendi, quam intelligendi, percipiendi, loquendi, videndique, nec describi potest, tametsi ad manifestum sensum id mihi datur perceptibile esse. 1747, die 24 Oct. st. v.


1. The Manuscript has ea

2. The Manuscript has jucundites

3. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition oves

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