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《灵界经历》 第220节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 220

220. An image of the last judgment depicted

About the torment, and finally setting free of the unhappy

A dispute about mercy

This night when I awoke, many things were exhibited to me that are rather hard for me to describe. There appeared a kind of revolt by spirits, for I plainly saw that many who were in the last heaven were being thrust down, and many who were in captivity were rising up. But what was granted to me to see very clearly was that the unhappy ones who for a long time had been in harsh captivity were striving, many at a time, with those who were in freedom in the last heaven and who wanted in fact to deprive them of mercy, thus all hope of salvation.

This dispute continued by day, until I awoke. They complained greatly, with much anxiety, and this over and over again, that the others wanted to take away mercy, and that then it would be over with them. For they had been undergoing severe punishment, so that they wanted nothing more than to lose their life completely. The only hope brought to them by God the Messiah was that they were able to think there was still mercy; and when the wicked ones having freedom wanted to take even this away, their anxiety was doubled, and they were falling into despair.

As regards the strife itself, how they disputed about mercy, it is not an easy thing to describe, for the displays like these of spirits evade description. Therefore, when they had complained most bitterly about that injustice, that is, that their only comfort - that there would be mercy - was being taken away from them, finally the hope dawned upon them that they would not lose the mercy promised to them. I was even able to feel to a degree within myself an emotion of mercy, not as my own, but as belonging to the heavens, and thus to God the Messiah. Finally I saw these spirits who had been in such anxiety wonderfully liberated, by a kind of ascending, which likewise cannot well be described. Afterwards I spoke with them, and being very kind, they are now among the happy. 1747, in the night between 27 and 28 October (old calendar).

At the time, I was shown on several occasions that they were almost deprived of mercy - it came very close - so that they were brought to the extreme of distress and [fear of] eternal death, before being liberated. But it was told to me that they had led an evil life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 220


This night, having been awakened from sleep, many things were shown me which I cannot well describe. There was a certain kind of revolving of spirits, with the manifest perception that many of those who were in the ultimate heaven were being thrust down, and many who were in captivity were ascending. Moreover, it was given me more clearly to perceive that the unhappy, who had been so long in hard captivity, contended many times in a dream with those at liberty in the ultimate heaven; and these latter wanted to deprive them of mercy, thus of all hope of salvation. This contention lasted a long time. When I awoke, they complained exceedingly with much anxiety, and indeed repeatedly, that the others wanted to deprive them of mercy, and that thus it would be all over with them; for they were undergoing grievous punishment, so that they wished nothing more than to lose their life entirely. The only hope afforded them by God Messiah was that they could think that there still was mercy. When the wicked, in the liberty accorded them, wanted to take this hope away from them, their anxiety was doubled, so that they fell into despair. With regard to the contention itself, how the contention about mercy was carried on is not very readily described, for such representations of spirits cannot be described easily. When, therefore, they complained so bitterly concerning that injury, that their sole consolation - that there would be mercy - was being taken away from them, there at length shone forth the hope that they would not lose the mercy which had been promised them. I could also sometimes perceive in myself, the stirring of mercy, not as mine, but as belonging to the heavens, and thus to God Messiah. Those spirits who had been placed in such anxiety were at length liberated in a wonderful manner, which was made manifest to me by a kind of ascent, which likewise cannot well be described. Afterwards I spoke with them, and they are most modest: so they are now among the happy. 1747, the night between Oct. 27 and 28, o.s. It was sometimes then shown me that mercy was almost taken away from them, so that there was little short of their being reduced to the last extremity of straitness and eternal death before they were liberated: but it was told me that they had led an evil life.

Experientiae Spirituales 220 (original Latin 1748-1764)

220. Ulimti judicii imago repraesentata. De infelicium cruciatu, et tandem liberatione. Contentio de misericordia

Hac nocte, expergefactus plura mihi ostensa sunt, quae non ita describere possum, erat species cujusdam revolutionis spirituum, cum manifesta perceptione, nempe quod multi qui in coelo ultimo essent, detruderentur, et multi qui in captivitate, ascenderent. Sed hoc mihi clarius percipiendum dabatur, quod infelices qui in dura captivitate diu fuerunt, per plures vices in somnio contenderent cum iis qui in libertate, in ultimo coelo, et quidem quod iis adimere vellent misericordiam, ita omnem spem salutis, quae contentio die persistebat, dum evigilavi; valde conquesti sunt, cum multa anxietate, et quidem repetitis vicibus, quod iis vellent auferre misericordiam, et quod ita actum prorsus cum iis foret, fuerunt enim in gravi poena, sic ut nihil potius vellent, quam vitam prorsus amittere, unica spes iis a Deo Messia oblata erat, quod cogitare possent, adhuc misericordiam esse, quam cum auferre vellent impii in libertate constituti, geminata est eorum anxietas, sic ut in desperationem laberentur; quod ipsam contentionem attinet, quomodo de misericordia contentio facta sit, non ita aequum est describere, nam spirituum repraesentationes tales non facile describi possunt; quum itaque amarissime questi sunt de injuria ista, quod unicum solatium, quod esset misericordia, iis auferretur, tandem 1

affulsit iis spes, quod non amitterent misericordiam, quod iis promissum erat, percipere etiam misericordiae motionem aliquatenus apud me, non ut meam, sed ut coelorum, et sic Dei Messiae, potui, hi tandem in tali anxietate constituti, mirabiliter liberati sunt, per speciem ascensus mihi manifestam, quae nec ita describi potest 2

; postea cum iis loquutus 3

, et sunt modestissimi, ita nunc inter felices. 1747, nocte inter 27 et 284 Oct. st. v. Aliquoties tunc mihi ostensum est, quod misericordia paene iis adempta est, parum defuit, sic ut ad ultimum angustiae et mortis aeternae, perducti, antequam liberarentur: sed dictum mihi est, quod ii malam egerint vitam.


1. The Manuscript has auferetur (sic!); tandem

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has postea

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has loquuti

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