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《灵界经历》 第2193节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2193

2193. But beyond this there are displays that cannot be expressed, for they make displays out of every idea of a thing, as well as from composite ideas, or many ideas simultaneously. They see that idea as something symbolic, as an object of contemplation in which various elements take shape, not only of the intellect, but also elements always joined with feelings. Thus they guide themselves thereby into scenes of affection having a beautiful, pleasing tone and arrangement.

But what these are like can in no way be described to the human understanding. When they are in them, the Lord leads their feelings, together with the understanding inherent in those displays, to their delights, while at the same time perfecting them. 1748, 5 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2193

2193. But there are given representations besides, which are inexpressible, for they make representations out of every idea, as also out of composite ideas, and of many together, which [quam, I think, for quas] they behold as a sort of representative; and as if a kind of subject, wherein are not only formed various things which are intellectual, but these are perpetually conjoined with such things as belong to the affections, so that they lead themselves by such things into varieties of affections, and indeed in a fair and pleasant course and order. But what their quality is can by no means be described to the human intellect. Whilst they are therein, the Lord leads their affections with the intellectuals in such representatives to their delights, while at the same time he perfects them. - 1748, June 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 2193 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2193. Sed praeterea dantur repraesentationes, quae inexpressibiles sunt, nam faciunt repraesentationes ex quacunque idea rei-ut 1

et ex ideis compositis, et pluribus simul-quam 2

vident sicut quoddam repraesentativum, et sicut quoddam subjectum, in quo formantur non solum varia, quae sunt intellectualia, sed [etiam] quae conjuncta jugiter cum iis quae sunt affectionum, sic ut se er talia ducant in affectionum varietates, et quidem tenore et ordine pulchro et amaeno; sed quales sunt, nequaquam describi ad intellectum humanum possunt. Dum in iis sunt, Dominus ducit eorum affectiones cum intellectualibus in talibus repraesentativis, ad eorum amaenitates, tum simul ad eos perficiendos. 1748, 5 Junius.


1. The Manuscript has rei, ut

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has qui

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