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《灵界经历》 第2201节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2201

2201. About the Examination of spirits and souls

Regarding their examination, I have quite frequently observed that souls or spirits are left to themselves, such as they had been in the life of the body if they were to speak without fear of the law, of society, more or less without outward constraints-unaware that they were in society. Those in the society, or others, then follow closely the thinking such spirits had harbored in the world and now speak out so that it flows as if spontaneously. In this way they learn roughly what they are like.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2201


With respect to their exploration, it is often observed, when souls or spirits were left to themselves, of what quality they were in the life of the body, and of what quality if they spoke without fear of the law and society, almost free from bond, they being ignorant that they are in society. Those who are in the society, or others, do then follow closely upon his thought, [observing] what quality he had possessed in life; and he speaks in such a manner that [his speech] flows as if spontaneously. Thus they became aware in a general manner [ruditer] that he is of such quality.

Experientiae Spirituales 2201 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2201. De Exploratione spirituum et animarum

Circa explorationem eorum, observatum est saepius, quod animae seu spiritus relinquantur sibi, quales in vita corporis fuerunt, et quales si loquerentur absque timore legis, societatis, paene absque vinculo externo, nescientes quod sint in societate; qui in societate, seu alii, tunc sequuntur presse ejus cogitationem, qualem in vita habuisset, et sic loquitur, ut fluat tanquam sponte, ita norunt ruditer, quod talis sit.

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