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《灵界经历》 第2205节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2205

2205. By a more lucid experiment with myself while looking at myself in the mirror, and at the same time speaking with spirits, I have observed several times that I took on the face of those who were in my company, the face of one after the other, yet retaining my own face. But the changes were due to the likeness of themselves, whom they recognized, even to the point of annoyance. This happened in almost a like sequence as in the case of spirits and angels. Those who recognized themselves told me so. Yet they were not of the same affection as I. One who has faith in the Lord is not subject to just one affection, knowing that it belongs to the spirits and angels who flow in. So faces belonging to others [than that group] also flowed in.

This experiment was made several times, sometimes to the spirits' indignation, sometimes to their enjoyment, and they recognized themselves perfectly. 1748, 5 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2205

2205. By a more luminous [clarior] experience within me, it was sometimes observed, when I looked at myself in the glass, and at the same time spoke with spirits, that I would put on the faces of those who were then with me in society, and of one [society] after another. Nevertheless my face remained, but the changes [mutationes] seemed [ex simili] to belong to theirs; which they recognized, so that they were indignant. This was very similar to what occurs with the faces of spirits or angels. They told me they recognized themselves. And yet they were not in the same affection as myself, because he who is in faith in the Lord is not [the subject] of a single affection, for he knows that it is the characteristic of spirits and angels to inflow. Thus [it happened] that the faces of others also inflowed. This happened several times, - sometimes to their indignation, sometimes to their delight. They perfectly recognized themselves. - 1748, June 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 2205 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2205. Per clariorem experientiam in me aliquoties observatum est, cum in speculo me intuerer et simul cum spiritibus loquerer, quod induerem faciem eorum, qui mecum tunc in societate, et unius post alterius 1

, remanente tamen facie mea, sed mutationes [erant] ex simili eorum {a}, quos 2

agnoscebant, ita, ut indignarentur, et hoc simili serie sicut spirituum seu angelorum facies paene; qui agnoscebant semet, dicebant mihi; sed usque non erant ejusdem affectionis mecum, quia {b} is qui in fide in Dominum est, is non unius affectionis est, quia novit, quod spirituum sit et angelorum, qui influunt, sic facies quae aliorum erant, quoque influebant; quod aliquoties factum, passim cum indignatione eorum, passim cum delectatione: se prorsus agnoscentes. 1748, 5 Junius.


1. The Manuscript has alterum

2. nisi legeris earum [facierum], quas

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