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《灵界经历》 第2206节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2206

2206. About putting restraints on spirits' indecencies

I have heard certain spirits (whether they had come fresh from the world, I do not know), who, when they were among others, could not restrain themselves from blurting out filthy and disgraceful expressions. They felt unashamed of anything at all, one more so, another less, for they are left to themselves, as told before [2201]. They were told that they were untouched by shame for anything, that they had brought no shame with them from the life of the body, for shame would restrain such utterances.

Meanwhile, since they were without shame, they could not be any different, so feelings of shame, fear, fright, and the like, are instilled into them by means of punishments. Then if they return to this kind of behavior, they are overcome with shame, frightened, or horrified, which enables them to become different, for as soon as those feelings are instilled in them, they refrain, until finally they overcome the habit and are able to become a part of decent societies. 1748, 5 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2206


I have heard some spirits, whether recently come from the world I know not, who, when they were among others, could not restrain themselves, but would utter filthy and disgraceful language, so that nothing affected them with shame: one would do this to a greater degree, another to a less, for they are left to themselves, as previously said. They were told that nothing touched them with shame, and that they did not carry shame with them from the life of the body; for if they possessed it, it would check such things. Meanwhile as they were without shame, they could not be different. Wherefore such things as shame, fear, horror, and the like, are produced [in cutiuntur] in them by punishments; and when they return to such conduct, they are overwhelmed with shame, or terror, or horror, so that they can be different; for immediately such things are insinuated, and they refrain till at last they lose the habit, and so may be present in modest societies. - 1748, June 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 2206 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2206. De iis quae coercent turpitudines spirituum

Audivi quosdam spiritus, num recens e mundo venerint non scio, qui dum inter alios essent, non potuerunt se coercere, quin voces spurcas et infames producerent, sic ut nullius rei pudore afficerentur, unus magis, alter minus, nam sibi relinquuntur, ut dictum prius [2201]; dicebatur iis, quod nullius rei pudore tangerentur quod ex vita corporis non secum pudorem exportarunt, nam si pudor, is coerceret talia; interea, cum absque pudore, non potuerunt aliter esse; quare talia sunt, sicut pudor, timor, horror similia, quae iis per poenas incutiuntur, ut dum talia redeunt, suffundantur pudore, vel terreantur, vel horreant, ita possunt aliter esse, nam illico tunc insinuantur talia, ac desistunt, usque dum tandem desuescant sic interesse possint societatibus modestis. 1748, 5 Junius.

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