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《灵界经历》 第2207节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2207

2207. About an angelic mental Image in the Lord's prayer

About an angelic mental image, it has also come to my notice during the praying of the Lord's prayer, when one prays "lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from evil" [Matt. 6:13, Luke 11:4], that by a certain mental image temptation and evil is rejected, namely in my cruder mental image it was thrown back, if you will, to the back of my head, and what remains is angelic, namely, the goodness of the Lord.

About the Lord's goodness countless angelic mental images are taking shape-concerned with how good results from man's affliction. Yet the affliction comes from man, from his evil, which carries its punishment within it, while the good is the Lord's.

This shows to some extent what the image of rejecting the notion of evil is, even if it is only a crude one that I saw, because it was observable, and rather rapid. In it there was something of indignation that the evil of affliction or temptation should be thought to come from the Lord. 1748, 6 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2207


Concerning the angelic idea it was also observed, when the Lord's Prayer is prayed, and it is prayed, Lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from evil, that by a certain idea temptation and evil is rejected, to wit, in my grosser idea it was rejected, as it were, to the back of the head, and what remains is angelic, namely, the good of the Lord - concerning which innumerable angelic ideas are formed, how good comes to man by affliction, which still arises from man's evil, wherein is punishment; and yet the good is the Lord's. Thus in some measure appears of what quality is the idea of the rejection of evil, when yet it is general [rudis], which I observed, because it was perceptible [sensibilis], and had a certain quickness [velocitus], wherein was a sort of indignation, that the evil of affliction or temptation should be thought to come from the Lord. - 1748, June 6.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2207 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2207. De Idea angelica, in oratione Domini

De idea angelica etiam observatum est, quum oratio Domini oratur, et oratur, "ne inducas nos in tentationem, et liberes nos a malo" [Matth. VI: 13, Luc. XI: 4], quod idea quadam rejiciatur tentatio et malum, nempe in crassiori mea idea rejectum erat quasi in tergum capitis, et quod manet, est angelicum, nempe bonum Domini; de quo innumerabiles ideae angelicae formantur, quomodo bonum per afflictionem hominis veniat, quae usque venit ab homine, ejus malo, cui inest poena, et tamen bonum est Domini, ita quodammodo apparet qualis idea rejectionis mali sit, cum tamen ea sit rudis, quam percepi, quia sensibilis, et cum quadam velocitate, cui inerat species indignationis, quod opinarentur malum afflictionis seu tentationis venire a Domino. 1748, 6 Junius.

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