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《灵界经历》 第2211节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2211

2211. How the portrayals and thoughts of angels compare with those of man

I spoke to angels- which is not done by speech-about the quality of angels' thoughts in comparison with those of people on earth. The thoughts of angels are like the tiny internal organs of some little worm scarcely visible to the human eye except as a faint point, or more specifically, as single and simple, as if it were nothing more than a little body.

Yet the thoughts of angels seen inwardly, are like man's internal organs, which are almost like those in a larger animal with its organs, stomach, brains, marrows, etc. An animate body is composed of these, thus of many, many members. The thoughts of angels are like the interiors of that body.

Thus from a portrayal of their mental imagery compared to that of an earthly human, although it appears dissimilar in itself, there results a composite little body. In spite of the apparent dissimilarity, they are nevertheless of such a nature that a composite results.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2211


I discoursed with angels, and this not by speech, concerning the quality of angels, respecting their thoughts as related to man's thoughts, to wit, that it is with the thoughts of angels as with the small viscera of any little worm, that to man's eye scarcely appears but as an obscure point, or something greater, so homogeneous [uniforme] and simple it is, as if it were nothing more than a particle. Inasmuch as it is with the thoughts of angels who see interiorly, as it is with its viscera, which are nearly of such kind as those of a larger animal, having its organs, stomach, cerebra, medullae, etc., out of which a similar body is constituted, that is, from manifold members, the thoughts of angels are so circumstanced as the interiors of such [an animal]. Such is the relation of their ideas to man's ideas. From these representatives flow the compound or particle, when yet they appear in themselves dissimilar; yet are they such that thence flows such a compound.

Experientiae Spirituales 2211 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2211. Quomodo se habent repraesentationes et cogitationes angelorum respective ad hominis

Loquutus sum angelis, quod non fit per loquelam, de angelorum qualitate, quoad eorum cogitationes respective ad cogitationes hominis; nempe quod se habeant cogitationes angelorum, sicut viscerula alicujus vermiculi, qui vix apparet oculo hominis, nisi sicut punctum, obscurum, vel majus, sic uniforme, et simplex, tanquam nihil plus esset, quam corpusculum; cum cogitationes angelorum qui interius vident {a}, se habeant sicut viscera ejus {b}, quae talia sunt paene sicut in animali majori, cum suis organis, ventriculo, cerebris, medullis, etc., ex iis componitur corpus tale, sic ex multiplicibus membris, cogitationes angelorum se habent sicut interiora talis, sic ideae eorum [respective] ad ideas hominis, ex iis repraesentatis fluit compositum seu corpusculum, cum tamen in se dissimiles appareant, usque tamen tales, ut inde fluat compositum tale.

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