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《灵界经历》 第2225节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2225

2225. All things to the very least are from mercy

Since man, spirit, angel, cannot do anything of themselves, but by the Lord the abilities are given to them, they being only organic instruments, I was able to see by a spiritual mental image that all things are from mercy. What could creatures who are utterly unable to lead themselves-though thinking themselves able-who of themselves are foolish and insane, be able to do except to perish, unless the Lord had compassion for them? How foolish they are, and insane, can be better seen by a spiritual mental image; they reason, thinking they do so on their own, when yet every least detail is due to the power of the Lord either permitting, or granting. And of themselves they are more stupid and insane than little children who have never learned anything. 1748, 6 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2225


Inasmuch as men, spirits, and angels can effect nothing of themselves, but [all things] are granted them by the Lord, they being merely organic powers, it was granted me to see from spiritual idea, that all and each [proceed] from mercy, inasmuch as those who are such that they cannot lead themselves at all, although they think so, and of themselves are foolish and insane, could not but have perished did not the Lord have compassion on such as are foolish and insane. In spiritual idea (the fact can better be seen) their case can appear better; they argue and think [putant] from themselves, and yet their everything comes from the Lord's permission or concession, and of themselves they are more stupid and insane than infants who have never learned anything. - 1748, June 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 2225 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2225. Quod omnia et singula ex misericordia

Cum homo, spiritus, angelus, nihil ex semet possit, sed a Domino, [omnia] eis dantur, quia modo potentiae organicae sunt, ex idea spirituali videre mihi datum, quod omnia et singula ex misericordia; quid ii, qui tales sunt, qui se ducere ne hilum possint, tametsi id putent, et ex semet fatui et insani sunt, potuissent nisi perire, nisi misereretur Dominus talium? quam fatui sunt, et insani, in idea spirituali, melius videri potest 1

, ratiocinantur, et putant ex semet, cum tamen singula ex Domino, permittendo aut concedendo, suntque infantibus, qui nusquam aliquid didicerunt, stupidiores et insaniores ex semet. 1748, 6 Junius.


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