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《灵界经历》 第2227节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2227

2227. About spiritual mental images, in relation to feelings

Spirits, especially angels, can tell and sense what [others] are like not only, as said earlier [2181-2183], from their speaking, but particularly from their feelings apart from speaking. They very often do not speak except by feelings alone, and their variations, for a mental image in itself, in its beginnings, is nothing but the effect of a feeling, consequently a feeling in small. When something is being expressed by a series of feelings, then from them they are able to tell not only what those who produce them are like, but even who they are, and what place they occupy in the grand body, as I have been allowed by the Lord to find out from lengthy experience. 1748, 7 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2227


Spirits, [and] especially angels, can know and perceive, not only, as before said, from the speech [loquelis] of what quality (others) are, but especially from affections apart from [without] speech, for they speak quite frequently by affections alone and the variations thereof; for an idea in itself is from its beginning, origin [principio], nothing but an effect of affection, hence (is nothing but) a derivative affection [affectiuncula]. Since it is the result of derived [continuous] affections, therefore can they know therefrom, if the Lord think worthy, not only what is their quality who display them, but also who they are, and where is their place in the Grand Man [maximo corpore], as is given me by the Lord to know from daily experience. - 1748, June 7.

Experientiae Spirituales 2227 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2227. De ideis spiritualibus, quoad affectiones

Spiritus, imprimis angeli possunt scire et percipere, non solum, ut prius dictum [2181-2183], ex loquelis, quales sunt, sed imprimis ex affectionibus absque loquela, non loquuntur saepius [quam] per solas affectiones, et earum variationes, nam idea in se est ex principio suo, nihil nisi affectionis effectus, proinde affectiuncula; dum per affectiones continuatas agitur, tunc ex iis scire possunt, dignante Domino, non solum quales sunt, qui eas producunt, sed etiam quinam sunt, et ubinam loci in corpore maximo; sicut a diutina experientia mihi datum est a Domino scire. 1748, 7 Junius.

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