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《灵界经历》 第2236节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2236

2236. It was not plainly revealed to the children of Jacob that there is life after death

I heard spirits speaking among themselves, and a certain one was told that during bodily life, they had gotten whatever they had wished for, and had desired nothing further, so why were they now striving for privileges in heaven? He answered that it should have been revealed to them that there was life after death, then received the reply that if the life after death had been revealed to them, while they were so prone to worshipping other gods, what then? what kind of a life would they have? 1748, 7 June. It was added that they never would have refrained, because they could not refrain from desiring to be the greatest and the richest in the world, so if they had also thought about the other life, what then, except that they would have perished?

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2236


I heard spirits speaking together [inter se]. There was a certain one, to whom it was said that in the life of the body they had obtained whatsoever they had desired, and they had wanted nothing farther, and why should they now, also, claim privilege in heaven? It was replied that it would have been proper [oportuerit], also, to have revealed to them that there was a life after death. It was then answered, if the life after death had been revealed, and these were so prone to worship other gods, what would it have amounted to [quid inde], therefore of what quality would their life have been on that account [inde] ? - 1748, June 7. It was added, since they never would have refrained, because they could not have refrained, inasmuch as they desired to be the greatest and most opulent in the world, if they had then also thought concerning the other life, what would it have amounted to [quid inde], but that they must perish?

Experientiae Spirituales 2236 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2236. Quod non manifeste revelatum filiis Jacobi, quod vita post mortem {a}

Audivi spiritus inter se dicentes {b}, quidam, [cum] ei 1

diceretur, quod obtinuerint in vita corporis, quicquid optassent, nec amplius desideraverint, et 2

quare nunc affectare in coelo quoque praerogativam? respondebat 3

, quod oportuerit quoque iis revelasse quod vita post mortem esset; tunc responsum, si revelata vita post mortem, et ii tam proni ad colendos alios deos, quid inde, sic qualis inde vita? 1748, 7 Junius. Additum, cum nusquam destitissent 4

, quia desistere nequiissent, quin maximi et opulentissimi voluissent esse in mundo, si tunc quoque de altera vita cogitavissent, quid inde, nisi quod periissent? 5


1. The Manuscript has cui ut apparet

2. The Manuscript has desideraverint; et

3. The Manuscript has praerogativam; respondebatur (sic!)

4. The Manuscript has destitississent

5. The Manuscript has periissent

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