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《灵界经历》 第224节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 224

224. All evil, even accidental, comes from hell

From things that have been said, it is already clear that all evils, even accidental ones that the hellish demons are not aware of, nevertheless break forth from them. For the innermost and very inward Heaven, acting as means or intermediaries, dispose and administer those things which are foreseen and provided by God the Messiah. Now because they dispose and administer the things conducive to the salvation of the human race so foreseen and provided, therefore with people on earth who trust in themselves, these are turned immediately into evils, even accidental ones. So there is not even the very smallest evil thing that happens to a person, that does not originate from hell.

I have spoken several times about these matters with demons of the inward heaven, and sometimes they would say that a thing could not have happened, because they were unaware of it, and at other times they so obviously did things they could not deny, that they openly admitted having done them. 1747, the 27th day of October (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 224


From what has just been said it is evident that all evils, also accidents, burst forth from infernal genii, although they know nothing about them. For the inmost heaven and the more interior heaven as means or mediations, dispose and administer the things foreseen and provided by God Messiah; they dispose and administer the things thus foreseen and provided because they are salutary to the human race. These things, with men who trust in themselves and indulge the loves of self and the world, are immediately turned into evils, also into accidents: thus there is not even the least evil that happens to man, which does not burst forth from hell. I have sometimes spoken with the genii of the interior heaven concerning this, and at times they said they could not have done it, because they were ignorant of it; at other times they did it so openly that they could not deny, but frankly admitted it. 1747, Oct. 27, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 224 (original Latin 1748-1764)

224. Quod omne malum, etiam accidens ab inferno veniat

Ex dictis 1

jam constat, quod omnia mala, etiam accidentia, quae ignorant genii infernales, ex iis tamen erumpant, nam intimum et intimius Coelum, 2

sicut media seu mediationes, disponunt ac ministrant ea quae a Deo Messia praevidentur et providentur, [et] quia salutaria generi humano sic praevisa et provisa disponunt et ministrant, ea apud homines qui sibi fidunt, et amoribus sui mundique indulgent, illico vertuntur in mala, etiam accidentia; sic ut ne minimum quidem malum sit, quod homini accidit, quod non ab inferno erumpat, de quibus etiam cum geniis interioris coeli, aliquoties loquutus sum, et quandoque dicebant id non posse fieri, quia ignorarent, quandoque ita aperte faciebant, quae negare non potuerunt,sed aperte id dixerunt. 1747, die 27 Oct. st. v.


1. In the Manuscript I[nde] in Ex dictis emendatum fuisse nobis apparet

2. In the Manuscript quod in qui emendatum

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