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《灵界经历》 第223节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 223

223. All things down to the very least in the innermost and very inward heaven that reach the inward and outward one, where there are hellish demons, are turned into evil

For a long time, and more than a year now, I have very frequently and, in fact, daily experienced that almost everything coming out of the very inward heaven, which I had also been allowed by the mercy of God the Messiah to perceive, was turned into the contrary, and thus into evil; and it surprised me for a long time, how they were able so suddenly to find those opposite and contrary things. But finally I was given to understand that those demons who at this day still inhabit the last heaven, or hover about there, especially those who inhabit hell, turn what is good into a contrary and thus responding evil, as well as turning what is true into a responding falsity. Turning truth into falsity is typical of the last heaven, and in fact they did this so suddenly and skillfully that I could not but marvel.

I was also given to learn that they did not even know what was being done in the very inward heaven, but nevertheless corrupted it into the opposite, so that there was [in that last heaven] a sort of conversion of all goodness into evil, like the inward heaven's [conversion] of truths into falsity - as happened today: while I was reading [the word] "Chaldeans," they suddenly turned it into "Jews," which was the contrary. 1747, the 27th day of October (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 223


For a considerable time, for a year and more now, I have very frequently, and indeed daily, found that almost all things that came from the more interior heaven - which by the mercy of God Messiah was also given me to perceive - were turned into the opposite and thus into evil, at which I have long wondered; also how those opposite and contrary things could come so suddenly. But at length it was given me to understand that those genii who at this day still inhabit the ultimate heaven, or flit about there, especially those who dwell in hell, change them into what is contrary, thus that which is good into the correspondent evil; as also, that which is true into the falsity characteristic of the ultimate heaven. Indeed they do this so suddenly and skillfully that I could not but marvel. Yea, it was also given me to perceive that they did not even know what was being done in the more interior heaven, but still it was perverted into the contrary; so that there was there a conversion, as it were, of all goods into evil, as in the interior heaven there is a conversion of truths into falsity; as happened today, when I read the Chaldeans", 1they suddenly turned this into "the Jews", which was the contrary. 1747, Oct. 27, o.s.


1. Probably Jeremiah xxxii or xxxiii (v. Index Biblicus).

Experientiae Spirituales 223 (original Latin 1748-1764)

223. Quod omnia et singula, quae in intimo et intimiori coelo perveniunt ad interius et exterius, ubi infernales genii, convertantur in malum

Per multum temporis et nunc per annum quod excedit, frequentissime et quidem quotidie expertus sum, quod paene omnia quae ex intimiori coelo venirent, quae etiam percipere ex misericordia Dei Messiae datum erat, ea verterentur in contrarium, et sic in malum, quod etiam diu miratus, quomodo ita subito invenire possent ea opposita et contraria; sed tandem datum est mihi intelligere, quod genii isti, qui hodie adhuc ultimum coelum incolunt, seu ibi volitant, cumprimis qui infernum, convertant in contrarium sic in respondens malum id quod bonum, sicut in falsum, quod proprium est ultimi coeli, quod verum; imo tam subito et sollerter, ut non potuissem non mirari, imo etiam percipere mihi datum est, quod etiam ignorarent quid ageretur in intimiori coelo, sed usque perverteretur in contrarium, sic ut esset ibi quasi conversio omnium bonorum in malum, sicut est interioris coeli, verorum in falsum: sicut 1

hodie accidit, quum legerem "Chaldaeos," 2

subito verterunt in "Judaeos," quod contrarium erat. 1747, die 27 3

Oct. st. v.


1. The Manuscript has falsum. 1747, d sicut

2. fortasse Es. XLIII, XLVII vel XLVIII

3. In the Manuscript 20 in 27 emendatum

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