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《灵界经历》 第2247节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2247

2247. What reflection is

I spoke with spirits about reflection, saying that because spirits who are leading people on earth have no such reflection as people in the body have by means of the senses, they can therefore see nothing in the world through the person's eyes, as spirits do through mine. For as often as I was allowed to give them reflection, engaging their attention, which I saw plainly by a spiritual mental image, then at once they said they were seeing the things, all down to the very least to which I directed the reflection given to me and shared with them. Almost every time, they would say they saw nothing before the reflection was given them, which happened very often, so that I am able to corroborate from multiple experiences that a spirit sees nothing through the eyes of another person on earth. Souls and spirits were greatly surprised at having come again into the world, so to speak, exactly as if they were there with their own body. To this they are even now attesting.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2247


I spoke with spirits about reflection, [to the effect] that because spirits, who lead man, are not endowed [absque] with such a reflection as belongs to man, in the body, [derived] through the senses, they cannot, therefore, see anything in the world, as spirits do through mine: for as often as I was allowed to bestow upon them reflection or attention, and this I plainly perceived by a spiritual idea, then they said right away that they saw all and each of such things, to which was directed the reflection given me and shared with them. They said, almost as often, that they saw nothing before [that] reflection was given them. This occurred quite frequently, so that I can confirm it by manifold experience, [namely] that a spirit sees nothing through the eyes of another man, and that souls and spirits greatly wondered that they had, as it were, again entered the world wholly as if they were then in their own bodies. This also, at that time, do they attest.

Experientiae Spirituales 2247 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2247. Quid reflexio

Loquutus cum spiritibus de reflexione, quod spiritus, qui ducunt hominem, quia absque reflexione tali, qualis est hominis in corpore, per sensus, quod ideo nihil videre queant in mundo per oculos hominis, sicut spiritus per meos, nam quoties mihi dabatur, iis dare reflexionem, seu attentionem, quod manifeste idea spirituali percepi, illico tunc dicebant, quod ea viderent, et omnia et singula, ad quae reflexio mihi data, et cum iis communicata, dirigebatur; dicentes toties fere, quod nihil viderint, priusquam iis data est reflexio, quod saepius factum, sic ut ab experientia multiplici id confirmare possim, quod spiritus per alius hominis oculos nihil videat, et quod animae et spiritus magnopere mirati sint, quod iterum quasi in mundum venissent, prorsus sicut ii ibi essent suomet corpore, quod etiam nunc attestantur.

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