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《灵界经历》 第2246节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2246

2246. With such people many, many things are mixed with worldly and bodily witticisms, and pleasing corporeal mental images, which are exceedingly noxious salts mixed in with upright qualities, and with spiritual ones. So punishment is required to separate those salts, and to dispel them, because if they were present (for they keep coming back), then they would destroy the societies. For things are stirred up in societies that are interwoven by the sharp points of cleverness to hurt the neighbor. These are seen by angels at a single glance. 1748, 8 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2246

2246. For with such are very many things that are mingled with worldly corporeal facetiae, as also pleasant [jucundae] corporeal ideas, moreover witty things [sales], very hurtful to what is sincere [honesta] and spiritual. The punishment thereof is that such things shall be separated and dissevered, because if they were together-for they do thus often rush together [recurrunt]-then they would destroy societies-for those things are excited in the societies that are artfully put together [implexa] by the acuteness of genius, in order to hurt the neighbor. These things are seen at one glance by the angels. -1748, June 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 2246 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2246. Penes tales enim sunt perplurima, quae facetiis mundanis et corporeis immixta sunt, et ideae jucundae corporeae, tum sales maximopere noxii, [immixti] iis quae honesta sunt, et quae spiritualia sunt, quare poena, ut talia separarentur, et excuterentur, quia si simul essent, nam toties recurrunt, tunc societates perderent, nam excitantur in societatibus 1

quae implexa sunt per acumina ingenii ad laedendum proximum, quae uno intuitu ab angelis videntur. 1748, 8 Junius.


1. The Manuscript has societabus

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