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《灵界经历》 第2257节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2257

2257. But then again I was inspired to retort, whether the rest of the Jews also would live to eternity. For if they were to die after a few years just like the rest, what profit would they have from their Messiah? There is nothing, except what is eternal. Everything else, which is temporary and for the moment, which expires and becomes nothing, is nothing. They answered that they would die, but that that messiah would still rule them in another life, because he would teach them that there is another life, and convince them.

Now again I was inspired to ask them whether, as Isaiah and other prophets declare, he would be lowly, and despised, and ride on the foal of a donkey [Is. 53:3, Zech. 9:9, Matt. 21:5, John 12:15] - or whether he would be magnificent. Whether he would not be cut off, as the prophet says [Is 53:8], besides other sayings of the prophets. Finally, when they could think of nothing further to make up, they said it would happen with him just as the prophets say, and they cannot answer any differently, for they have it from the prophets that he will come. 1748, 9 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2257

2257. But then it was again given to rejoin to them, whether should the rest of the Jews also live to eternity, for were they to die after a few years like the rest, what profit would their Messiah be to them? For that is nothing which is not eternal; everything else, because temporal and momentary, is nothing which expires and becomes naught. They answered that they would die, but that still the Messiah would raise them up in the other life, because He should teach and persuade them that there is another life. Now again it was given to reply to them, whether, as Esaias and other prophets say, the Messiah should be so humble and despised [sit] on the foal of an ass, or whether [He should be] magnificent; whether or no He should be cut off as the prophet says, and other things beside, which the prophets say. At last, when they knew not what further to frame, they said that it would be to Him as the prophets say. They say that they cannot answer otherwise, for they have from the prophets that He shall come. - 1748, June 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 2257 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2257. [vide 2256]

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