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《灵界经历》 第2258节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2258

2258. About some who were carried up into heaven

Some believers were carried up into heaven, and others who were not believers were angered that the others had been raised up, and not themselves. So these too were led up into a group of heavenly beings, but said that they were choking for breath, and instead of heavenly joy, they had only distress. So they were driven out of their own accord, being unable to stay in the company of the heavenly, and in their joy; while the first ones said that they are full of joy. 1748, 9 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2258


Certain who were in faith were raised up into heaven, and others who were not in faith were indignant that others should be raised up, and not they. Wherefore they also were brought into the company of the celestials, but they said that they were straitened [for breath] [angustarentur] and instead of heavenly joy only experienced straitness. Wherefore, also, were they expelled thence by themselves, for they could not be in the society of the celestials and their joy, though the former ones had said that they were in full joy. - 1748, June 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 2258 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2258. De quibusdam qui in coelum sublati sunt

Quidam, qui in fide, sublati sunt in coelum, et alii, qui non in fide, indignati, quod alii sublati sint, et ii non: quare etiam ii 1

in consortium coelestium subducti, sed dicebant, quod angustarentur, et pro gaudio coelesti, modo angustiam habebant, quare etiam inde a semet expulsi sunt, nam in societate coelestium, et eorum gaudio non esse poterant, cum priores dixerunt, quod in pleno gaudio sint. 1748, 9 Junius.


1. The Manuscript has in

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