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《灵界经历》 第230节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

230.关于妓女灵魂的状态。10月30日至31日的夜间,一些女性灵人被允许来到我这里,或我被允许进入这些女人构成的气场。她们在世时毫不关心信仰,过着放纵而淫荡的生活。如我所觉察到的,她们由这种女人组成:她们四处游荡,只过妓女的生活,根本不关心合法婚姻。所以她们很少或根本不关心何为内在人,何为信仰;所以这类知识几乎没有影响到她们的本性。如我所称呼的这些气场,或这些社群被划分为属和种。 我被允许与其中一些人交谈,好叫我知道她们死后过的是哪种生活。她们的生活可以说是疯狂的,毫无理性,更不用提理解力了。我在想来世是否有疯狂的女人,但被告知,这些女人的灵魂就是疯狂的,不知道什么是美丽或谦逊。这类女人还败坏与真正的婚姻之爱有关的一切,尤其将它转向放荡。这些女人为数众多,过着不幸的生活,因为她们不再知道何为快乐,就是诸如来世中的那种快乐。(1747年10月30日至31日夜间。)

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 230

230. About the state of prostitute souls

In the night between the 30th and 31st of October, female spirits were allowed to come to me - or I was admitted into the realms composed of them - who, having no serious belief, had lived a loose and whorish life in the world. They consisted, as I was able to make out, of the kind of women who drift about, and do not pursue any other life than one of prostitution, not caring about legitimate marriages. So they are little or not at all concerned [to know] what the inner person is, and what belief is, and consequently, [such knowledge] could have little affect on their character.

These realms, as they may be called, or societies, were divided up into kinds and species. With certain ones of them I was allowed to converse, so that I might know what kind of life they live after death. Their life was like insanity, devoid of reason, not to mention of understanding. I was wondering whether there were insane women in the other life, but I was told that the souls of these were [insane], not knowing anything of beauty or modesty. Such women corrupt everything having to do with true marriage love, especially by bending it toward free love. The number of such is very great. They lead an unhappy life, for they no longer know what pleasure is, such as there is in the other life. 1747, in the night between the 30th and 31st of October (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 230


In the night between Oct. 30 and 31, female spirits were admitted to me, that is, I was admitted into spheres built up from those women who had been unconcerned about any faith, and had led a dissolute and meretricious life in the world. They consisted, as I could perceive, of such as wander about, and lead none other than a life of harlotry, caring nothing at all for legitimate marriages, thus caring little or nothing what the internal man is, and what faith is: whence it follows as a consequence that there is little that could affect their nature. Such spheres, as I might call them, or such societies, are divided into genera and species. It was granted me to speak with some of them, that I might know what kind of life they live after death. Their life was, as it were, insane, without anything of reason, still less of understanding. I wondered also whether there would be insane women in the other life; but it was said that the souls of such were insane, knowing nothing of beauty, nor of modesty. Such also pervert everything pertaining to true conjugial love, especially by bending it to licentiousness. The number of such is very great. These women lead an unhappy life, for they no longer know what delight is, such as it is in the other life. 1747, in the night between Oct. 30 and 31, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 230 (original Latin 1748-1764)

230. De statu animarum meretricium 1

Nocte inter 23 et 24 2

Oct. admissae sunt, ad me, seu admissus sum in sphaeras constantes ex iis, quae 3

nullius fidei studiosae, vitam solutam, et meretriciam in mundo vixerunt, constabant, ut percipere potui, ex talibus, quae vagantur, nec nisi quam vitam agunt meretricationis absque ut curent conjugia legitima, ita quid internus homo, et quid fides parum vel nihil curant, unde sequitur, quod inde parum potuit afficere earum indolem, erant tales sphaerae, ut ita dicam, seu societates in genera ac in species distinctae; cum quibusdam earum loqui mihi dabatur, ut scire possem qualem vitam post mortem vivant, vita earum erat sicut insana, nullius rationis minus intellectus, mirabar num etiam insanae darentur post alteram vitam 4

, sed dictum est quod animae talium essent, quid pulchri et quid modesti nescientesi 5

, tales etiam pervertunt omnia, quae ad verum amorem conjugialem pertinent, cumprimis ad eum flectendum in licentias; talium numerus est permagnus, vitam eae infelicem agunt, nam quid jucunditas, qualis in altera vita, non amplius sciunt. 1747, nocte inter 23 x 24 6

Oct. st. v.


1. = meretricum

2. nisi dies 23 in 30, 24 in 3 murandi conformiter emendationibus in paragraphis 220-26

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has qui

4. intellexerim post hanc vitam vel in altera vita

5. vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

6. vide annotationem 1

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