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《灵界经历》 第229节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 229

229. About the fear in the spirits who are still free

Very much could be told about the spirits who are as yet free, and are producing all the evils and falsities in the human race. They appear sometimes as though they were insane, for so far as they are permitted, they act and speak without any reason. But when it was pointed out to them that they were still humans, and that they therefore could be rational, and were asked whether they saw that they are wild animals, not humans - then an ability to look upon themselves was given them by God the Messiah, and they acknowledged themselves to be like wild animals of the forest, and worse.

But they nevertheless soon returned to their insanities, until it was proven to them that they could never accomplish anything, and that they would be more unhappy than the rest. When this was shown to them by a spiritual method, then such a fear seized them that they fell to their knees. But quite obviously, the moment the fear is gone, they return to their own nature. 1747, the 28th day of October (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 229


Very many things might be said about the spirits who are as yet free and who produce all the evils and falsities with the human race. These spirits sometimes appear as if insane, for so far as they are permitted they act and speak without any reason. But when it was put to them that since they were once men and thus could have been rational, did they not see that they were wild beasts, not men; then the power of viewing themselves interiorly was given them by God Messiah, and they acknowledged themselves to be like wild beasts of the forest, and worse. But still they soon returned to their insanities, until it was again shown them that they could never accomplish anything, and that they would be more unhappy than others. When this was shown them in a spiritual manner, such fear then seized them that they fell upon their knees. But it was quite evident, that as soon as ever the fear was removed, they would return to their own nature. 1747, Oct. 28, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 229 (original Latin 1748-1764)

229. De timore spirituum, qui liberi adhuc sunt

Perplura forent dicenda de spiritibus, qui liberi adhuc sunt, et omnia mala ac falsa apud genus humanum producunt, ii apparent quandoque tanquam insani, nam absque ulla ratione agunt et loquuntur, quantum iis permittitur, sed cum proponeretur iis, quod usque homines fuerunt, et quod sic rationales esse potuissent, annon ii viderent, quod ferae sint, non homines, tunc, a Deo Messia iis data est copia semet intuendi, ac agnoscebant se feras quasi sylvestres, et pejores, sed usque mox redibant in suas insanias; usque dum iis remonstraretur quod nusquam possint quid efficere, et quod infelices prae caeteris forent, hoc cum iis ostenderetur modo spirituali, tunc talis timor eos occupavit, ut procumberent in genua; sed satis constat, quod, illico ac timor abest, redeant in suam naturam. 1747, die 28 1

Oct. st. v.


1. In the Manuscript 22 in 28 emendatum, forte pro 29

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