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《灵界经历》 第2309节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2309

2309. But they do speak with me in sounds and enunciated words, with the result that they also thought their speaking together among themselves was the same. But this is not so, because their mental imagery comes down to me in words, and then they imagine that the words are from them, as well as the sound of the words.

That this is the case is shown clearly enough by the single fact that they speak my vernacular just as well as if they had been born into it, even when they were born a thousand years ago, or in an entirely different region - in fact even when they were little children who had never reached an age to be able to speak. 1748, 12 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2309

2309. But because [they spoke] with me in a sonorous manner, and with articulate words, thence they also supposed that their speech with each other was similar; but this is not so, because their ideas fall with me into words, and thus they suppose that the words, as also the tones of the voice, are from them. That the matter stands thus may be sufficiently evident from this single [fact], that they speak to me in my vernacular as well as though born therein, although they were born thousands of years previously, or in quite another region; yea, are even infants who have never arrived at such an age as to be yet able to speak. - 1748, June 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 2309 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2309. Quod autem 1

sonore et vocibus articulatis, mecum; inde quoque putarunt quod loquela eorum inter se mutuo similis esset, sed non ita est, quia ideae eorum cadunt apud me in voces, et sic putant quod ab iis sint voces, tum sonus vocum; quod ita se res habeat satis ex uno hoc constare potest, quod tam bene loquantur vernacula mea mecum ac si nati in ea, tametsi ante millia annorum nati, aut in prorsus alia regione, imo etiam infantes, qui nusquam ad aetatem istam venerunt, ut loqui adhuc potuerint. 1748, 12 Junius.


1. The Manuscript has autem

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