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《灵界经历》 第2310节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2310

2310. About Indignation and Anger

The world of spirits is of that nature, that when restraints are relaxed even a little bit, they at once become indignant and angry. And I have been allowed to see and feel how indignation and anger reigns in the world of spirits in the smallest parts of the senses and perceptions, to the point that not the least recess exists that is not occupied by an indignation and anger that is general, or pertains to the whole aura, and is turned into evil.

The reason is that when hatred prevails, so also does this general atmosphere of indignation and anger against everything that is true and good. I speak from actual experience. So unless these auras, of dizziness, so to speak, or vertigoes, were tamed by the Lord, a person could not possibly keep from at once destroying all that was ever good and true to him or her, even all that was ever pleasant. For indignation and anger is there as soon as something is happy or pleasant for another; it is there when there is envy, because this comes from hatred. 1748, 12 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2310


The world of spirits is of such a character that when any relaxation is granted them, then are they immediately filled with indignation and anger; and it was granted me to perceive how in the world of spirits reigns indignation and anger, that [it prevails] in the minutest things of the senses and the perception, so that not so much as the least thing can be given but is occupied by the common indignation and anger, or the common sphere, and turned [vertitur] into evil. The reason is, that when hatred reigns, there also reign such a common sphere of indignation and anger against all that is true and good; I speak from living experience. Wherefore, unless such spheres of turning, or turnings [into evil] as I may call them, were restrained by the Lord, man could not help destroying forthwith all that was still true and good [in him], yea, even his pleasurable principle, for indignation is anger as soon as any happy or pleasurable principle is there; for it is envy, because [proceeding] from hatred. - 1748, June 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 2310 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2310. De Indignatione et Ira

Mundus spirituum talis, ut dum aliquantum relaxatur iis, tunc illico indignantur et irascuntur, et datum mihi est percipere, quomodo 1

in mundo spirituum regnat indignatio et ira, quod in minimis sensuum et perceptionis 2

, adeo ut tam minimum dari nequeat, quod non ab indignatione et ira communi, seu communis sphaerae occupatur, vertiturque in malum; causa est [quia], cum odium est quod regnat, etiam regnat talis sphaera communis indignationis et irae 3

, contra omne quod verum et bonum est-ab 4

experientia viva loquor-quare tales sphaerae, ut ita dicam, vertiginis, seu vertiginum, nisi domarentur a Domino, nequaquam potuisset homo, quin perderet illico omne quod usque verum et bonum, imo quod usque 5

ei volupe est, nam indignatio est [et] ira, ut primum aliquid alii 6

felix aut volupe est; est cum invidia, quia ex odio. 1748, 12 Junius.


1. The Manuscript has quomodi

2. The Manuscript has perceptionis

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has et i ira

4. The Manuscript has est, ab

5. The Manuscript has usquam ut videtur

6. The Manuscript has ali

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