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《灵界经历》 第232节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 232

232. The punishment of witches

It appeared to me in sleep that some witch was using her witchcraft for the purpose of taking away true love, and thus of weakening a person. When I awoke, the witch appeared, who, being recognized, was handed over for due punishment. That punishment was horrible - I could never have imagined that such a punishment exists. I was told that it occurred when angels simply inquired into her wicked deeds. And in fact it was such that she gradually melted away into horrible snakes or worms, and wholly vanished into them. So she was cast out of sight. 1747, 3 November (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 232


It appeared to me during sleep, that a certain sorceress was using her sorceries to take away true love, and thus to render a man weak. When I awoke the sorceress appeared, and having been recognized, was delivered over to the punishment due, which was so horrible that I could never have imagined that there could be such a punishment. It was said to me that there was that punishment only that the angels might inquire into her criminal deeds: and she was of such a nature that she was gradually dissolved into horrible serpents or snakes, and the whole woman went away into them and was thus rejected from the faces [of the angels]. 1747, Nov. 3, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 232 (original Latin 1748-1764)

232. Poena praestigiatorum

Apparuit mihi, in somno, quod aliquae praestigiatrix uteretur suis praestigiis, ad auferendum verum amorem, ac sic hominem invalidum reddendum 1

; expergefactus 2

[ego] apparuit praestigiatrix, et agnita, quae poenae debitae tradita, quae poena horrenda erat, ut nusquam imaginari potuerim talem poenam dari, mihi dictum quod poena ista existeret, solum quod 3

angeli inquirerent in facinorosa; et quidem talis erat, quod ea sensim difflueret in serpentes seu angues horribiles, et in eos tota abiret, sic rejecta a faciebus. 1747, 3 Nov. st. v.


1. The Manuscript has reddendi

2. The Manuscript has experfactus

3. hoc est ut

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