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《灵界经历》 第233节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 233

233. About displays

It is customary with some to present displays especially of holy things, and to make dramatizations of sacred subjects. Dramatizations of this type are not allowable, because the image of them remains after death and by the profane is turned into profane portrayals. For the level of their character determines the subject matter of the portrayals in the least details, so that when the character is corrupt, it follows that the rest of the contents, or the individual details, reflect that, and take on a melancholy and profane countenance.

However, displays of this kind are turned in a different direction by those who are of an upright character, and are innocent, which I experienced tonight while in a wakeful state. For little children, together with innocent souls, softly portrayed the Messiah let down into the tomb, but never did they show the Messiah, but another, in a way that one could know from a afar that the Messiah was being represented; then also how, after the resurrection, He descended to those bound in the pit, and loosed the captives there, and led them with Him to heaven; and that He was joined to His Divine Essence. But as I have said, these things were portrayed so softly, and so devoutly, that they were not in the least allowed to think of God the Messiah except thus as if from afar, so that it would be in no way frightening, as are the dramatizations on earth. 11747, the 1st day of November (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 233


It has been customary with some to exhibit representations, especially of holy things, and to institute certain spectacular displays of sacred things. Exhibitions of this sort are not allowable because the idea of them remains after death, and by those who are profane this is turned into profane representations: for the state of their dispositions governs the subject-matter of the representations in their single details: wherefore, when the disposition is perverted, it follows that the rest of the things contained, that is the single particulars, are bent with it; thus they induce a sad and profane countenance. But yet similar representations are turned differently by those who are of an upright disposition, and are innocent, as I experienced this night during wakefulness. For little children together with innocent ones, were softly representing the Messiah committed to the sepulchre; in no way, however, did they present the Messiah, but another, yet in such a manner that it might be known, as from afar, that the Messiah was signified. Then also it was represented, that after the resurrection He descended to the bound in the pit, and released the captives there and led them forth with Him into heaven: also that He was united to His Divine Essence. But, as I said, all this was represented so softly and so piously that not in the least were they permitted to think of God Messiah except as it were from afar, so that there was nothing terrifying as happens on earth at such spectacular exhibitions. 11747, Nov. 1, o.s.


1. Apparently a reference to the so-called Miracle, Mystery, or Passion Plays in common in the Middle Ages.

Experientiae Spirituales 233 (original Latin 1748-1764)

233. De repraesentationibus

Apud quosdam solitum est, sistere repraesentationes, cumprimis rerum sanctarum, ac instituere quasdam palaestras de rebus sacris, ejuscemodi palaestrae non licitae sunt, quia idea earum post mortem manet, et a prophanis vertitur in repraesentationes prophanas, nam status indolis eorum regit repraesentationum materiam in singulis, quare cum indoles perversa est, sequitur quod reliqua quae continentur, seu particularia singula eo flectantur, ita induunt vultum tristem et prophanum: at vero, similes repraesentationes aliter vertuntur ab iis qui probae indolis, ac innocentes sunt, quod hac nocte in vigilia expertus, infantes enim una cum innocentiis, molliter repraesentabant Messiam in sepulchrum missum, sed nequaquam, quod sisterent Messiam, sed alium, adeo ut e longinquo potuisset sciri, quod significaretur Messias, tum etiam quod post resurrectionem ad vinctos in fovea descenderet, et captivos ibi solveret, et secum in coelum adduceret; quodque Divinae Ipsius Essentiae copularetur; sed, ut 1

dixi, tam molliter, et tam pie, ut ne minimum admitterentur ad cogitandum in Deum Messiam, nisi ita quasi e longinquo, ut nulli terrori esset, sicut fit in terris per palaestras. 1747, die 1

Nov. st. v.


1. inclarum in the Manuscript

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