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《灵界经历》 第2361节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2361

2361. In societies there are also those who speak up, or disagree

In societies that have not yet been brought into order, or are still struggling with many faults, there are spirits who do not agree, but disagree, even if not always openly, yet in thought. I have observed such in some societies, to whom those in the group are hostile, and whom, given the opportunity, the group members try to throw out or expose to mockery and jeopardy. They also accuse them vehemently for speaking against and not agreeing with those in the society.

The reason for this is to prevent those in the group from wandering too far afield, and to keep them in a kind of equilibrium, that is to say, fairness of thinking, speaking and acting, and those spirits are like restraints. And I have noticed, when they complained about them and described them, that those spirits do not oppose them always by truths, but sometimes do this only so as to disagree; but sometimes by truths, depending on the society's character.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2361


In societies that are not yet reduced to order, or which still labor under many [defects] vices, there are spirits who do not concur therewith, but dissent, and indeed not always openly, but by thinking [otherwise]. I have observed such in some societies by whom those who are in the society are infested and when the occasion is given, endeavor to eject them, and expose them by various jests [ludicris] and [discriminations] discussions as it were; yea, also do much arraign them, and say what contradicts and does not concur with them. The reason is, in order that those in the society may be compelled not to diffuse [scatter] themselves more widely, and this may be held in a sort of equilibrium as it were; that is, in an equality as regards thought speech, and action, and bonds, as it were, are placed upon them; and I have observed when they complained of those [in the society] and described them, that they did not strive with them by means of truths on all occasions that sometimes they only dissent from then. Sometimes [they strive] by truths according to the quality of the society.

Experientiae Spirituales 2361 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2361. De societatibus, quod in iis quoque sint qui contradicunt, seu dissentiunt

In societatibus, quae nondum in ordinem redactae sunt, aut quae adhuc multis vitiis laborant, sunt spiritus, qui non iis consentiunt, sed dissentiunt, et quidem non semper aperte, sed cogitando, in societatibus aliquibus observavi tales, quibus ii qui in societate infesti {a} sunt, et occasione data eos ejicere conantur, ac variis ludicris et quasi discriminibus exponunt, imo etiam multum eos accusant, dicentes quod iis [in societate] contradicant, nec assentiantur 1

: causa est, ut coerceantur ii qui in societate, ne longius exspatientur, utque sic teneantur in quodam quasi aequilibrio, hoc est, in aequitate cogitandi, loquendi, agendique, suntque ii [spiritus] quasi vincula; et observavi, quando de iis questi sunt, et eos descripserunt, quod [tales spiritus] non repugnent iis per veritates semper, quandoque modo ut iis dissentiant; quandoque per veritates, secundum societatis qualitatem.


1. The Manuscript has contradicant, nec assentiatur

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