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《灵界经历》 第2419节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2419

2419. About the Speech of Spirits

I have long wondered how it happens that now this spirit was speaking, now that one, at various distances, how one would take over when the other finished, sometimes in the midst of an utterance, and thus in different ways. It was granted me to learn the cause, namely that those spoke who were most moved during the discourse by the ideas it contained, so that it passed over to those who were more touched than the others. For when anyone's feeling is aroused, the person is aroused. Besides this, they were also aroused to speaking in another way, namely by spirits who were stirring them because of mental imagery directed to them, so that they would either speak with them, or for them, or for the sake of deceptively imitating a different person, whom they were substituting. 1748, 27 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2419


I long wondered how it happened that now this, now that spirit spoke, at various distances. One took it up where another ended, and sometimes in the midst of the discourse, and so, variously. The reason was given me to know: those spoke who were most affected during the discourse by the ideas which belonged to the discourse; consequently it passed to those who were more affected than others, for when anyone's affection is excited, then he is excited. Besides which, they are also excited to speak in another manner, to wit, by spirits who excited them from ideas determined upon them, so that they should speak either with them, or instead of them, or for the sake of fraud, so as to contrive another person to substitute. - 1748, June 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 2419 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2419. De Loquela Spirituum

Miratus sum diu, quomodo id contigit, quod nunc hic spiritus, nunc ille loquebatur, ad varias distantias, excipiebat unus quum alius finiebat, et quandoque in medio sermone, et sic varie, causa mihi data est scire {a}, quod loquerentur ii, qui afficiebantur quam maxime in sermone, ab ideis, quae erant sermonis, sic transibat ad eos, qui plus aliis afficiebantur, cum enim affectio alicujus excitatur, tunc is excitatur; praeter quod etiam alio modo excitarentur ad loquendum, nempe a spiritibus, qui eos excitabant ex ideis in eos determinatis, ut loquerentur vel secum, vel pro se, vel doli causa, ut fingerent aliam personam, quam substituerent. 1748, 27 Junius.

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