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《灵界经历》 第2420节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2420

2420. Those who have mercy during the life of the body, and those who are innocent, receive much in the other life

Among all the things I have been allowed to learn from experience and from life with spirits and angels, is this, that they who are merciful in the life of the body and exercise even only a little mercy from the heart, receive in the other life an inestimable, thus inexpressible reward: namely, happiness. For all happiness comes through mercy, because from mercy. And they receive so much mercy in all things down to the very least, with the fullest sensation, together with happiness, that it is inexpressible. The same thing is true of the innocent.

No comparison can be made, for each and every thing is exalted in the other life, where the body does not rage and the sensual elements of the body do not take command, but they are left to inward and more inward sensation.

But to describe these matters to the comprehension of a person on earth is impossible, for while an understanding of the unknown is usually obtainable, an inward sensation of it is not, so there is no perceptive understanding, and therefore as long as people are body-bound, there is no belief. 1748, 27 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2420


Amongst all those things that it was given me to learn from experience and life with spirits and angels, there is [this]: that those who are merciful during the life of the body, and, indeed, who bestow but a little mercy from the heart, in the other life receive indefinite things, therefore an unspeakable reward, to wit, felicity; for through mercy, because [proceeding] from mercy, arises all felicity; and they receive so much mercy in each and all things, together with felicity, that it is ineffable, [and attended] with the greatest perception. It is similar with those who are innocent. No comparison is granted, for each and all things are exalted in the other life, where the body does not rage, and the sensuals of the body do not command, but they are left to interior and more interior perception. But to describe these things to man's apprehension is impossible, because the understanding indeed of the unknown is customary to be given, but not the perception [thereof]: wherefore there is no understanding from perception, therefore so long as they are corporeal, no faith [is given them]. - 1748, June 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 2420 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2420. Qui misericordiam habent in vita corporis, et qui innocentes sunt, multum accipiunt in altera vita

Ex iis omnibus, quae ab experientia et vita cum spiritibus et angelis, discere datum est, est, quod qui misericordes sint in vita corporis, et quidem paucam modo misericordiam praestent ex corde, quod in altera vita indefinita, sic ineffabilem mercedem recipiant, nempe felicitatem, nam per misericordiam, quia a misericordia, omnis felicitas; et tam multam misericordiam accipiant, in omnibus et singulis, cum felicitate, ut ineffabilis sit, cum perceptione maxima; similiter qui innocentes; nulla comparatio datur, nam exaltantur omnia et singula in altera vita, ubi corpus non urit, et sensualia 1

corporis non imperant, sed perceptioni interiori, ac intimiori, relicti sunt; sed describere ea ad captum hominis est impossibile, quia ignoti quidem dari solet intellectus, non autem perceptio, quare non intellectus ex perceptione, ideo quamdiu corporei, nulla fides. 1748, 27 Junius.


1. The Manuscript has sensualia

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