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《灵界经历》 第2443节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2443

2443. About the equilibrium of all things down to the very least in the heavens

A spiritual mental image enabled me to see that there is such an equilibrium of all and the very least things, both heavenly, spiritual, and earthly in the heavens, that no one can think, feel, or act except from many, and the individuals of the many again from many, and so on. Nothing ever exists without some element responding from its opposite, and the opposites [responding] to the intermediates, likewise from many, and many groups of many.

So no one can think, will, feel, act, except in a state of balance, for which reason, while I was engrossed in this spiritual mental image, spirits said that by this reasoning they are also nothing, nor can any evil happen to anyone without its being balanced at once by the Lord, thus by the good. And whenever there is a preponderance of evil, then the evil is punished, but never except for a good purpose.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2443


(It was granted me to see by a spiritual idea that there is such an equilibrium of each and all things as regards celestials, spirituals, and naturals, in the heavens, that no one can think, feel, [or] act, save from many, and each person [singuli] from many if many, and so forth, and that there is never anything to which there does not answer something from its opposite, and [that there are] opposites to the intermediates in like manner from many and many, so that no one can think, will, feel, [or] act, save in equilibrium. Therefore when I was in that idea, spirits said, that for this reason they are also nothing; wherefore no evil can happen to anyone, unless it is immediately balanced [equilibrium] by the Lord, thus by the good, and when there is a preponderance of evil, then the evil is punished, but never save for a good end.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2443 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2443. De aequilibrio 1

omnium et singulorum in coelis

Idea spirituali mihi videre dabatur, quod tale sit aequilibrium omnium et singulorum, quoad coelestia, spiritualia et naturalia in coelis, ut nullus cogitare, sentire, agere possit, nisi a pluribus, et singuli plurium a pluribus, et sic porro, et quod nihil usquam sit, cui non respondeat [aliquid] ex suo opposito, et oppositi intermediis, similiter a pluribus, et plurium pluribus, sic ut nullus possit cogitare, velle, sentire, agere, nisi in aequilibrio, quare, cum in idea illa essem, dicebant spiritus, quod hac ratione etiam nihil sint, quare nec malum cuiquam accidere potest, nisi illico a Domino, ita a bonis, aequilibretur, et quando superpondium mali tunc punitur malum, sed nusquam nisi ob finem bonum.


1. The Manuscript has aequibrio

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