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《灵界经历》 第2447节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2447

2447. About the life of certain spirits in regard to dwellings and the like

Spirits seem to themselves to dwell in houses, and bedrooms, all very well furnished with useful objects of every kind and unlimited variety, in keeping with each one's taste. So because they had been introduced to such things during bodily life, they retain a liking for them in the afterlife. Similar objects in unlimited variety are given to them according to each one's inclination and these are then applied to good, for they put them to a use that the Lord determines, and the use at the same time instills rest of mind and innocence. In this way also peace and innocence are imparted to them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2447


Spirits seem to themselves to dwell in houses [domos], [and] bed-chambers, and these indeed well furnished [ornatissima] with utensils of every kind, and also [with] indefinite variety according to each one's inclinations; thus because initiated into the like, during the life of the body they also retain after life, and desire similar things: thus the like are granted them with indefinite variety according to each one's genius, and thus they are bent to good, for they arrange those things according to use which the Lord disposes, and at the same time the use introduces quiet and innocence in [their] minds [animis]. Thus also peace and innocence are insinuated.

Experientiae Spirituales 2447 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2447. De vita quorundam spirituum quoad habitacula et similia

Videntur sibi spiritus inhabitare domos, cubicula, et illa ornatissima omnis generis utensilibus et quidem cum indefinita varietate, secundum cujusvis inclinationem, sic quia initiati in similia in vita corporis, etiam post vitam similia retinent, et cupiunt, ita dantur iis similia cum indefinita varietate secundum cujusvis genium, et sic flectuntur ad bonum, nam disponunt ea, secundum usum, quem Dominus disponit, et simul usus indit quietem animi, et innocentiam, ita quoque iis pax et innocentia insinuatur.

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