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《灵界经历》 第2449节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2449

2449. But I was inspired to tell them that these are nothing in the other life, for they do not need to buy clothing, nor to buy meals or prepare them, or food. They do not lack these in the other life, so this desire is wrong. But to receive from the Lord the kind of things mentioned and manage them as befits their use in calmness and innocence - this is the greatest reality because it is conducive to their happiness. Thus the things they are calling imaginary are real, because they have real things within them.

So I was then moved to say, and still am moved to declare as truth, that from my whole heart and whole soul I would gladly lavish on others all the silver and gold I possess in the world if I should be permitted to possess that "imaginary" wealth, retaining only in my life enough for the body and uses in the body, without the gold and silver of the world - a home, food, clothing, and whatever else is of use in the life of the body. 1748, 30 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2449

2449. But it was given me to tell them, that this is nothing in the other life, for they have no need of garments to buy them, nor of meats to buy them or collect them, nor of food. They do not stand in want of all these things in the other life: wherefore such a cupidity is false; but to receive such things as have been mentioned, from the Lord, and to arrange these according to use in tranquillity and innocence, this is the chiefest reality [reale maximum], because it conduces to their felicity. Such imaginations so called are real, because they have real things in themselves. Wherefore it was then given to say, and it was given me to say still as true, that I am willing with my whole heart and soul to bestow on others whatever I possess in the world, if I am allowed to possess such imaginary wealth, only retaining [habens] in life for the body and uses in the body, without any of the gold and silver of the world, a dwelling [domicilium], victuals, garments, and whatever else is useful in the life of the body. - 1748, June 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 2449 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2449. Sed iis dicere mihi datum, quod hoc in altera vita nihil sit, nam non opus habent vestibus ut emant eas, non dapibus ut emant, aut conducant, non cibo, omnibus iis non indigent in altera vita, quare talis cupiditas est falsa, at vero accipere a Domino talia, de quibus dictum, et disponere ea secundum usum in tranquillitate et innocentia--hoc 1

reale maximum est, quia conducit ad eorum felicitatem, tales ita dictae imaginationes sunt reales, quia in se realia habent, quare tunc dicere dabatur, et pro vero adhuc dicere datum mihi, quod ex toto corde et tota anima, omne argentum et aurum, quod possideo in mundo, largiri velim aliis, si tales imaginativas opes possidere mihi liceat, modo in vita habens pro corpore, et pro usibus in corpore, absque auro et argento mundi, domicilium, victum, vestes, et quae alioquin quae usus sunt, in vita corporis. 1748, 30 Junius.


1. The Manuscript has innocentia hoc

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