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《灵界经历》 第245节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 245

245. About spirits who distort holy things by "plastering with untempered mortar" [Ezek. 13:10-15]

Today again, I was shown how the worst spirits distort holy things, namely that they bring holy things to bear as if they were their own, and as it were plaster them over, and bring them in this form to human consciousness; consequently, innocent people can easily be persuaded that the very inward holy things come from those spirits, when yet it is mere "untempered mortar," as described in Ezekiel [13:10].

At first I considered that the sensation of very inward things originated from them, but afterwards, when better informed, I was allowed to expose their deceptions to them through conversation and symbolic depiction. This angered them, especially the fact that from something evil a perception of goodness can result, and one of truth from something false. Along these lines the clay wall [v.10] was also explained. 1747, the 12th day of November (old calendar).

They imagine they are good and holy when they are declaring their vows, like the dragon now and then, when yet inwardly they harbor malice, although in that state they do not know it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 245


It was also shown me today how the worst spirits pervert holy things, namely, that they apply those things that are holy just as if they were their own, and as it were plaster them over, and in this way bring them to man's perception, so that those who are innocent can easily be persuaded that the holy things which are more interior flow from them, when yet it is mere "untempered mortar", as is described in Ezekiel [ xiii 10. At first I supposed that the sensation of the more interior things came forth from them; but after I had been better instructed, it was given me to expose their deceits to them, by speech and representations. This made them angry, namely, that in this way a perception of good can be produced from evil, and of truth from falsity. Thus also was the "plastered wall" explained. [See Ezekiel xiii 10 ]. 1747, Nov. 12, o.s.

They think themselves good and holy when they are making profession, like the dragon here and there [spoken of in the Word], when yet inwardly they cherish malice, although in that state they do not know it.

Experientiae Spirituales 245 (original Latin 1748-1764)

245. De spiritibus, qui pervertunt sancta, per incrustationem inepti

Hodie etiam mihi ostensum est, quomodo pessimi spiritus pervertunt sancta, quod nempe ea quae sancta sunt, applicent tanquam sua, atque ea incrustant quasi, et sic ad perceptionem hominis perducunt, sic ut qui innocentes sunt, facile possint persuaderi, quod sancta quae intimiora sunt, ab iis fluant, cum tamen sit mera "incrustatio inepti," sicut describitur in Ezechele [XIII: 10-[16]; arbitratus sum principio quod intimiorum sensatio ab iis proveniret, sed postea melius edoctus, dabatur mihi dolos eorum iis exponere per loquelam et repraesentationes, quibus irati sunt, nempe quod sic induci queat perceptio boni a malo, et veri a falso, ita quoque luteus paries [v. [10] explica batur. 1747, die 12 Nov. st. v. Putant se bonos et sanctos cum profitentes 1

, sicut draco, passim, et tamen intus habent malitiam, quam tamen 2

in eo statu ignorant.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition profitentur

2. nisi legendum cum in J.F.I. Tafel's edition tunc

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