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《灵界经历》 第246节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 246

246. About a supplication by certain of the Jews for the mercy of God the Messiah

When the sixteenth chapter of Ezekiel was being explained, where the whoredom of the Church of Jacob's descendants is treated of, some of the Jews who said they had been from the sect of the Pharisees, when they had given their attention for some time to the inward meaning of the words, were so moved by truth that they devoutly implored the mercy of God the Messiah, confessing their sins. 1747, the 13th day of November (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 246


When the 16th Chapter of Ezekiel 1was being explained, where the whoredom of the church of Jacob's descendants is treated of, there were present certain of the Jews who said that they had been of the sect of the Pharisees. When they had attended for some time to the interior sense of the words, they were so deeply moved by their truth, that, confessing their iniquities they devoutly supplicated the mercy of God Messiah. 1747, Nov. 13, o.s.


1. No exposition of the book of Ezekiel by Swedenborg is known to exist, except that contained in the Summary Exposition of the Prophets and Psalms which was not written until several years later. It is probable, however, that the explanation of the chapter referred to was written in the margin of the Schmidius Biblia Sacra. Unfortunately, the pages containing the sixteenth chapter have been removed from Swedenborg's copy, but as most of the remaining pages are very fully annotated, it seems likely that the missing pages were also annotated. That this chapter had been carefully studied by Swedenborg is evident from the exposition to be found in the Index Biblicus.

Experientiae Spirituales 246 (original Latin 1748-1764)

246. De supplicatione quorundam de Judaeis de misericordia Dei Messiae

Quando Cap. XVI Ezech. explicaretur 1

, ubi agitur de scortatione Ecclesiae posterorum Jacobi, quidam ex Judaeis, qui dicebant se ex secta Pharisaeorum fuisse, dum aliquamdiu attendissent ad sensum interiorem verborum, ita commoti sunt ex veritate, ut devote supplicaverint de misericordia Dei Messiae, confitentes iniquitates suas. 1747, die 13 Nov. st. v.


1. fortasse in paginis amissis ex Swedenborgii copia Bibliae Sacrae a Sebastiano Schmidio translatae 1696

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