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《灵界经历》 第2451节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2451

2451. All things are judged according to motives in the other life

It is known that purpose is the all in all things of human thoughts. All things that one thinks are indirect purposes in a varying sequence looking to a prevailing purpose or one's love, hence one's whole character. I spoke of these matters with spirits, and in order to show them I was given to say that if someone should convert the whole globe to Christianity, with the motive of self-glory, self-love and the like, then such a one would be allotted no reward for it in the other life, because the motive was not love of the Lord or the salvation of the human race; and on the other hand, that if someone should persecute Christianity and overthrow it, yet doing so from an innocent motive, thinking this was good, then such a one would be rewarded.

The souls and spirits were unwilling to admit this, because it is common with them if someone has accomplished something on behalf of the doctrine of faith in their bodily life,

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2451


It is known that the end is the all in all of the thoughts of man. All that he thinks are mediate ends in various order looking to the ruling end or the love thereof hence [make up] his whole disposition. I spoke concerning these things with the spirits, and that they might be shown it was given to say, that if anyone should convert the whole world to Christianity, and the end be self-glory, self-love, and the like, then he obtains no reward therefore in the other life, because the end was not the glory of the Lord, or the salvation of the human race; and on the contrary, if anyone should persecute and overthrow Christianity, and nevertheless from an innocent end, because thus he supposed it good, that then he is rewarded. Souls and spirits are unwilling to admit this, because it is common [familiare] with them if anyone has bestowed anything for the doctrine of faith in the life of the body that he wishes to be rewarded therefore, no matter what the end is.

Experientiae Spirituales 2451 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2451. Quod omnia secundum fines judicentur in altera vita

Notum est, quod finis est omne in omnibus cogitationum hominis, omnia quae cogitat, sunt fines medii vario ordine, spectantes ad finem dominantem, seu amorem ejus, inde ejus indoles tota. De his loquutus cum spiritibus, utque ostenderentur dicere datum, quod si quis totum terrarum orbem converteret ad Christianismum, et finis sit sui gloria, sui amor, et simile, tunc nihil mercedis inde in altera vita sortitur, quia finis non fuit amor Domini, aut salus generis humani: et contra, si quis Christianismum persequeretur, et everteret, et tamen ex fine innocente, quod ita putavit bonum, tunc quod remuneretur; hoc animae et spiritus nolentes admittere, quia apud eos est familiare, si quis praestiterit 1

(2452.) aliquid pro doctrina fidei in vita corporis, quod ideo velit remunerari, qualiscunque finis sit; quare confirmare dabatur, quod diaboli nusquam aliud intendant, quam ut destruant ea quae sunt fidei, et Dominus flectat omnia in bonum, quia bonum inde, non possunt [ii ideo] remunerari; tum quod diaboli tentent hominem graviter in tentationibus spiritualibus, inde tamen regeneratur homo, non ii ideo mercedem possunt accipere; ita qui ex malo fine bonum faciunt, non est illorum; et praeterea dicere datum, si ex bono fine facerent, quod ideo non remunerentur ex merito, sed ex misericordia, quia Dominus illud operatus 2

per eos, et disposuit eos, ut tales esse possint, ita ex Misericordia,


1. propter. Gloriam Ipsius. 1748, 30 Junius.

1. The Manuscript has praesterit

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